
Honoraria : What lies beneath?

Fausto Majistral is back with another Zolabyte. He gives us a no-nonsense analysis of the main issues that surround the whole ruckus about honoraria. It’s less about the politics and more about the constitutional issues.

Service as an MP in the Maltese House of Representatives is a part-time affair. “Part-time” is a misnomer, of course, because parliamentary work is not only attending sittings in plenary and involves all other sorts of things including constituents who could be quite demanding (to say the least) both in what they demand and the time at which they demand.

But we should not linger on this point: after all, nobody calls teachers “part timers” because the time they spend in the classroom is less than the usual annual average of 40 hours.

There were moves in the past, very discreet, to make parliament a “full time” affair. That would have meant, amongst other things, that apart from ministerial duties parliamentary service would have been to the exclusion of all other work (a condition which would have no justification for as long as being an MP was part-time). A significant advantage gained would have been that the risk of situations of conflict of interest would have been hugely reduced.

Needless to say, this was resisted by some MPs, particularly those who are also members of a profession. Their full time work is as big as the size of their clientele which is largely a matter of their choosing. In many cases, the service they offer their clientele can be delegated to professional partners or assistants. MPs whose full time job is as an employee, where the working hours are not of their choosing and where the duties cannot be delegated, do not have such luxury.

So parliamentary service remained part-time. Paid. Which you can combine with any other full time job. Equally paid. Except for one full time job: being minister.

Before anyone makes the point that being a minister you waive your moral right to be paid anything for basic MP work because your full time job is paid from the public purse, please note that you can combine a full time salary for a job in the public sector and the honorarium for being a part-time MP. Being a minister is one of the very few jobs, in the public as well as a private sector, which disqualifies you from the parliamentary honorarium.

I will not go here into the concurrent issue of whether MPs’ honoraria should have gone from 50% to 70% of the civil service’s salary scale 1. For the very simple reason that, I have no way to tell if 50% or 70% is what is deserved for the duties in question. Note however that one of Jean-Pierre Farrugia’s main gripes (which I think is representative of what the critics have so far said) was that it was bad timing in the prevailing financial situation.

Certainly. But please note that a pay increase that’s unrelated either to productivity or cost of living is hardly and alien concept in Maltese labour law. It’s the stuff annual increments based on a sector’s collective agreement are made of.

Neither do I need to go into the other main gripe, that these increases should not have been introduced by stealth. For the simple reason, that the critics are right on this one. Salaries and honoraria for ministers and parliamentarians should be the subject of law, as is already the case with the salaries of the President of Malta, the Attorney-General and the Auditor-General, or at least a parliamentary resolution.

But this should not detract us from the fact that the way payment is made for ministerial or parliamentary service disadvantages members of one category of employment over an other. The compromise struck between Farrugia and his Leader hardly addresses that question.

This is not a trivial discussion or one which is irrelevant to the health of a democracy. The early proponents of paid service argued their case on the grounds that no one should be barred from being an MP if elected simply because he has no other private means.

That was the argument in the UK in the beginning of the 20th century; it would have lost little force in Malta of the 21st. Apart from the Leader of the Opposition and MPs who have private means, note the the MPs who first and enthusiastically stated they’ll donate the increase to charity or some pet campaign were mostly members of the professions.

Given much credence to that quote by George Bernard Shaw that the professions are really conspiracies against the laity.

Zolabytes is a rubrique on J’accuse – the name is a nod to the original J’accuser (Emile Zola) and a building block of the digital age (byte). Zolabytes is intended to be a collection of guest contributions in the spirit of discussion that has been promoted by J’accuse on the online Maltese political scene for 5 years.
Opinions expressed in zolabyte contributions are those of the author in question. Opinions appearing on zolabytes do not necessarily reflect the editorial line of J’accuse the blog.


Non Sequitur #95 Honorarium

From the table of the house comes a random collection of PQs (parliamentary questions) and their answers. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the stuff honoraria are made of. You’ve got to love MP Silvio Parnis’ dedication to the old and aged. It’s the table of your house of reps ladies and gents… it’s where you read about how Malta gave 5,000 € for the maintenance of Auschwitz-Birkenau, that the Hijab is not prohibited on the workplace in government depts and that information is still forthcoming about milking cows and goats.

Here’s a (random) selection:


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22327 Data: 20/12/2010
Seduta: 296 – 10/01/2011 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: Fond Auschwitz-Birkenau – flus offruti

staqsa lill-Onorevoli TONIO BORG (Viċi Prim Ministru u Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin):

Jista’ l-Viċi Prim Ministru u Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin jgħid kemm offriet Malta fi flus għall-fond ta’ Auschwitz-Birkenau li twaqqaf biex jiġu mantnuti l-kampijiet oriġinali wara appell tad-direttur tal-mużew Piotr Cywinski?

Malta offriet is-somma ta’ € 5,001.50 għall-fond tal-Fondazzjoni Auchwitz-Birkenau. Dan il-pagament tħallas f’ Ġunju 2010.


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22330 Data: 20/12/2010
Seduta: 296 – 10/01/2011 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: Reliġjon Musulmana fuq il-post tax-xogħol

staqsa lill-Onorevoli LAWRENCE GONZI (Prim Ministru):

Jista’ l-Prim Ministru jgħid jekk hux permess lil persuni nisa, ċittadini Maltin li jħaddnu reliġjon Musulmana, jilbsu l-velu (Hijab) waqt li jkunu fuq il-post tax-xogħol tagħhom f’dipartimenti, aġenziji u kumpaniji tal-gvern?

Ninsab infurmat li ma hemm l-ebda regola għall-impjegati tal-gvern li timpedixxi li jintlibes il-velu (Hijab)


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22292 Data: 14/12/2010
Seduta: 296 – 10/01/2011 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: qligħ ta’ flus minn wiri ta’ films pornografiċi

staqsa lill-Onorevoli CARMELO MIFSUD BONNICI (Ministru tal-Ġustizzja u l-Intern):

Billi l-liġi ta’ Malta tgħid li ħadd ma jista’ jaqla’ flus minn wiri ta’ films pornografiċi, jista’ l-Ministru jgħid għaliex il-Pulizija għadha ma ħadet ebda passi kontra lukandiera u kontra sidien tal-cable tv li qed ixandru u hemm min anke ammetta li qed jikser il-liġi sfaċċatament? Fiex waslu l-investigazzjonijiet tal-Pulizija illum, sitt xhur wara li l-Ministru stess ordnalhom jinvestigaw l-ovvju?

Ninsab infurmat illi l-investigazzjonijiet għadhom għaddejjin.


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22248 Data: 07/12/2010
Seduta: 296 – 10/01/2011 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: investigazzjoni dwar tfiegħ ta’ bajd fuq karozzi u djar

staqsa lill-Onorevoli CARMELO MIFSUD BONNICI (Ministru tal-Ġustizzja u l-Intern):

Jista’ l-Ministru jinvestiga permezz tal-Pulizija fl-Għassa tal-Mosta, min kien il-persuna/i li għal darbtejn nhar ta’ Ħadd konsekuttivament għamlu straġi fi Triq Dawret il-Wied, Triq il-Bwieqi u Triq il-Fuħħar żona ta’ Santa Margerita fil-Mosta, fejn dawn il-persuni waddbu mijiet ta’ bajd fuq il-karozzi u mal-faċċata tal-bini fejn għamlu ħsara bi tbajja li jħalli warajh t-tfiegħ tal-istess bajd?

Ninsab infurmat illi l-Pulizija, filwaqt li għadha qed tinvestiga l-każ imsemmi mill-Onorevoli Interpellant, qiegħdha tagħmel aktar sorveljanza fl-inħawi msemmija.


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22228 Data: 07/12/2010
Seduta: 295 – 14/12/2010 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: Sid ta’ Razzett – ngħaġ u baħar tal-ħalib

staqsa lill-Onorevoli GEORGE PULLICINO (Ministru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali):

Jista l-Ministru jwieġeb mistoqsija parlamentari 21674 u jgħid jekk huwiex permessibbli li sid ta’ razzett li fih irabbi n-ngħaġ tal-ħalib, ikun jista’ jrabbi ukoll baqra għall-ħalib? Jekk dan mhux permessibbli, jista’ jgħid għaliex dan mhux possibbli?

L-informazzjoni għadha qed tinġabar u risposta tingħata f’xi seduta oħra.


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22171 Data: 06/12/2010
Seduta: 295 – 14/12/2010 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: Riklami fuq il-kuntratti tal-BWSC

staqsa lill-Onorevoli AUSTIN GATT (Ministru għall-Infrastruttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjoni):

Jista’ l-Ministru jgħid kemm swew ir-riklami fil-ġurnali intitolati “the truth prevails BWSC contract“? Fejn dehru? F’liema ġurnali?

Ninforma lill-Onor Interpellant li din il-materja ma taqax taħt id-dekasteru tiegħi.


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22122 Data: 02/12/2010
Seduta: 295 – 14/12/2010 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: Ħsara fit-telephone

staqsa lill-Onorevoli AUSTIN GATT (Ministru għall-Infrastruttura, Trasport u Komunikazzjoni):

Jista’ l-Ministru jara li jitmexxa l-każ tal-anzjana li rrapportat xi xahar ilu peress li t-telephone tagħha (li dettalji tiegħu qed jingħataw separatament) huwa bil-ħsara?

Ninforma lill-Onor. Interpellant li l-materja in kwistjoni ma taqax taħt id-dekasteru tiegħi.


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22094 Data: 01/12/2010
Seduta: 295 – 14/12/2010 09:00 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: każ ta’ post ta’ anzjana

staqsa lill-Onorevoli DOLORES CRISTINA (Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni, Xogħol u l-Familja):

Tista’ l-Ministru tara l-każ  ta’ anzjana, li d-dettalji tagħha qed jintbagħtu separatament, li din kellha toħroġ minn post 18-il sena ilu, li kellu area kbira u apparti dan l-gvern ta l-post bil-kera u din il-kera għadha titħallas sal-lum, pero’ llum jidher li l-gvern se joffri biss xi  €14.000 għal dan il-post, meta din hija somma li llum lanqas garage ma tixtri biha?


Nitlob lill-Onorevoli Interpellant sabiex jagħmel il-Mistoqsija lill-Ministru kkonċernat, f’dan il-każ il-Ministru tal-Finanzi, Ekonomija u Investiment.


Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 22101 Data: 01/12/2010
Seduta: 294 – 07/12/2010 06:00 PM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: Qrati Maltin – Kawżi ta’ libell pendenti

staqsa lill-Onorevoli CARMELO MIFSUD BONNICI (Ministru tal-Ġustizzja u l-Intern):

Jista’ l-Ministru jagħti tagħrif dwar kemm hu n-numru ta’ kawżi ta’ libell li huma pendenti quddiem il-Qrati Maltin u li fihom hemm bħala atturi membri parlamentari? Kemm ilhom pendenti dawn il-kawżi tal-libell quddiem il-Qrati Maltin?

Ninsab infurmat illi sat-3 ta’ Diċembru kien hemm 47 kawża ta’ libell pendenti li fihom hemm bħala atturi Membri Parlamentari. Infurmat illi dawn il-kawżi ilhom pendenti kif jidher fit-tabella t’hawn taħt:-

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