
Talking about us

Alex Vella Gera was the guest Maltese author for this year’s Festival des Immigrations. Vella Gera returned to Luxembourg (he has worked here in the past) wearing his new vestiges of notorious author and under the spotlight for his latest work “is-Sriep regġħu saru velenużi”. The Festival des Immigrations is now in its 30th year and is a celebration of all things “foreign” that exist in Luxembourg – an interesting experience for us Maltese to be counted as one of the “others”.

When the chat with Vella Gera ended a group of us gravitated towards the food stalls (sadly bereft of Maltese timpani, pastizi and kinnie) and opted for a Cameroonian mix of meats and fishes for a very tasty (and in some cases hot) bite. On our way out we passed the Amnesty International stand that was highlighting the plight of immigrant communities in the Med – what do you know Malta features as two-way protagonist!

Back to the chat. The interview was expertly conducted in a relaxed atmosphere by Mark Vella. Malta’s participation in the Festival was once again guaranteed thanks to the dedicated campaign of international passport poet Antoine Cassar. Attendance was purely from the Maltese community in Luxembourg (that officially numbers 225 according to the panels in the main Hall – but that does not count the numerous Maltese who opted to live across the border in Germany or Belgium) and this meant that the language of the discussion switched to the vernacular.

Language was an important protagonist in the surgical analysis that turned out to be a voyage of discovery for Vella Gera himself. By the author’s own admission criticism and public reaction to published works is hard to come by and so Vella Gera seemed to thrive and enjoy this moment of exploration and questioning into the reality behind his work. Hollywood gave us the concept of “behind the scenes”, this was “Sriep’s” behind the scenes moment as both Mark Vella and later those present (inevitably including yours truly) questioned motives, choices and narratives behind Vella Gera’s novel.

The whole sessions should have been recorded for YouTube prosperity but apparently the wrong button was pressed on the video cam so only an audio will eventually be available. This point of the YouTube video was a topic that cropped up in the discussion itself. Such moments of analysis could be of more benefit if advantage is taken of modern technology that allows for a wider vision and an expansion of the platform. This could be one way of filling the absence of the critical reaction.

What did happen in that room was a gradual build up of political, social and linguistic analysis of a book that – in my view – is an excellent documentary in the raw of a particular growing up phase of Maltese society. As was remarked by those present it is a pity that such a discussion does not reach a wider audience. Vella Gera’s Sriep does cut into much of the questions afflicting modern society. The use of Minglish or the special patois of code-switching pepe/malti for example is not simply a cultural curiosity but one that exposes the need of a socio-political understanding of whole swathes of Maltese society. Politically speaking the weight carried by social “castes” or classes can be queried – much as the Labour party did in the past campaign with the “Courage to Vote” video.

In other words it was a discussion about a book, it was a discussion about an author’s experience and dealings with his society and whether he was more of a chronicler of the real than an author of the imaginary. It was all that and more. What the meeting with Vella Gera produced though was a surprising realisation that this kind of analysis might be very much lacking in contemporary Maltese society. While we may often complain that the “intellectuals” and “artistic milieu” fail to engage politically we fail to notice that there are few bridges and platforms where their work is given the necessary attention or allowed to provoke the necessary discussions.

Sriep has sold around 1,500 copies. That apparently makes it a best-seller in Malta. Sadly the potential that such a tome has for provoking discussion on so many levels is about to die a quiet death. The main reason is that Vella Gera would not be invited to the the main media programmes and would not be a convenient selling point for papers if he were not embroiled in a Li Tkisser Sewwi style scandal. Ironically while the last campaign was characterised with empty vessel promises about “burying the differences” we have yet to see a conscious effort being made in understanding where they come from in the first place.

Meanwhile our new Minister for Culture is determined to invest in popular culture – investing in Carnival and investing in local festi because that is how we understand where our differences lie, isn’t it?


P.S. And after the talk I also bought two cd’s by those paradoxes of Maltese social commentary.



Festschrift 2012

antoine cassar – triq il-maqluba

And here’s the quiet, calm enigmatic wordsmith of mosaics and passports. Antoine Cassar was a mysterious conundrum of linguistic curiosity wrapped up in a zen like attitude of constant reflection and awe. I will never forget the first ever contemporaneous blogging event that took place spontaneously at the airport. Xifer, Maqluba and J’accuse kicked off. Ten minutes later J’accuse was up. Fifteen Xifer was ready. Half an hour later Maqluba began his spellcheck. It all happens slowly in the world of il-Maqluba (ex-Qrendi now Luxembourg). But it happens nicely and the description can be bewitching. Here goes. 

Kos, seba’ snin diġà? Jew seba’ snin biss? Inħosshom ħafna u nħosshom ftit. ‘L hawn jew ‘l hemm, nifraħ ħafna lil seħibna Jacques u nneħħilu l-kappell li m’għandix. Is-7 numru sabiħ. Kważi kważi daqs l-iktar numru għal qalbi, it-8. Timbuttah bil-ħlewwa, jitlef il-bilanċ, u jsirlek l-infinit.

 Tant ġrat xorti tul l-aħħar seba’ snin li qed narahom proprju bħala infinità; jew biex inkunu iktar preċiżi, infinità li għaddiet bi żbrixx. Seba’ snin ilu bħal-lum u bħal dal-ħin, hemm ċans kbir li kont ġo kmajra mdawla l-Qrendi, iċċassat lejn l-iskrin ta’ laptop ormaj goff qisu xi ċanguna, nistudja jew nikteb. Tlettax-il sena wara li tvenvina żbuxxlata tax-Xlokk kienet bagħtitni nixxejjer bejn Londra u Madrid, kont inżilt lura l-Blata bl-iskop, imwaħħar iżda mhux wisq, li nitkisser fil-Malti u għal darba nitgħallmu sew. L-ewwel għalliema tiegħi kienet il-kuġina Francesca, li dak iż-żmien kellha tnax-il sena, u llum, oħroġ il-għaġeb, prima ballerina u ballerina mill-iprem, diġà bdiet iddur l-Ewropa, tiżfen fuq ponot subgħajha mill-ġenn ta’ Marsilja u Istanbul għall-wesgħat tat-Toscana. Inħobbok Frans!

 Jekk seba’ snin ilu bħal-lum u bħal dal-ħin ma kontx qed intektek fil-kmajra, wisq probabbli kont fil-kċina npaċpaċ man-nanniet. Kienu huma l-iktar li għallmuni. Kuljum xi storja, kuljum xi tifkira, kuljum xi taqbila, jew anki xi xogħfa mistħoqqa minħabba xi guffaġni minn tiegħi. Illum siefru t-tnejn li huma; in-nannu, li kien jibża’ mill-ajruplani u qatt ma tħajjar jitla’ fuq bastiment lejn l-Awstralja, għall-ewwel darba. Dejjem kien irid jifhem iktar id-dinja, u l-mistoqsijiet tiegħu ta’ ġeografija kienu jkunu bl-ikbar kurżità. Idejh tant kienu kbar li stajt tifrex fuqhom mappamundi sħiħa. Min jaf x’veduta għandu tal-globu issa, minn hemm fuq…

Qed ngħid “hemm fuq”, u qed niftakar f’waħda mill-ħsibijiet li kont ħarbixt f’xi bloggata bikrija ta’ Triq il-Maqluba. Mhux li nemmen fl-infern u fil-ġenna. Jekk hemm infern, x’aktarx ikun is-sentiment ta’ ħtija, ta’ dispjaċir, ta’ żmien moħli f’dawk l-aħħar waqtiet qabel nintfew. U viċiversa, il-ġenna tkun is-sentiment ta’ sodisfazzjon, ta’ ċirku tond, ta’ kuxjenza mhux biss nadifa iżda wkoll hienja. Dakinhar li mort insellem lin-nannu fil-mortwarju, avolja idejh kienu inġazzati, wiċċu kien tbissima minn widna għal widna.

 Wara l-kuġina u n-nanniet, fil-bloggosfera Maltija sibt għalliema oħra. Kont skoprejtha b’ċikka permezz ta’ artiklu fil-Wikipedija Maltija (jekk niftakar sew, id-definizzjoni tal-kelma blogg, diġà bil-g doppja, attribwita lil ċertu Mark Vella ta’ Xifer). U f’daqqa waħda l-mikrokożmu ta’ Malta – in-nomadu ta’ ġo fija kien diġà beda jsus wara l-eremit – infetaħli beraħ. Ftaħt il-blogg tal-Maqluba u dlonk sibt ruħi, għall-ewwel darba fi żmien twil wisq, parti minn komunità Maltija. U tal-Kinnie generation, anki jekk kont ġej minn sfond differenti. Dak iż-żmien kont għadni nteftef fil-mużajki, esperiment li rnexxa u mbagħad b’xorti tajba falla, u kelli daqsxejn ta’ battibekk letterarju ma’ Ereżija tal-Kriżi… u kif tegħlibha. Tiftakarha, Alex? “Ave, Ġakbu Joyce!” Ħeħe. Ma domniex ma sirna ħbieb tal-qalb. Aktar tard tfaċċa l-ħabib tal-qalb l-ieħor, Kevin ta’ Ħġejjeġ. Bis-saħħa tiegħu, u iktar mill-bogħod, bis-saħħa tat-Tgedwid ta’ Immanuel, bdejt insir midħla wkoll tal-letteratura kontemporanja lokali. U tal-ħafna diskorsi alternattivi li kienu jsiru fuq il-politika u s-soċjali, fuq il-kultura u l-lingwa, fuq l-eliti liberali u krepuskolari. U fuq ċerta nostalġija għall-80s, l-iktar it-tieni nofs tad-deċennju, iż-żmien li fih kont niġġerra fit-toroq tal-Qrendi. Mhux kollox kont insejt, minkejja l-aċċent imxajtan li kaxkart minn barra. Fil-bloggosfera kelli mnejn nikkonsla.

 Il-bloggej (jew bloggista? Tiftakru l-Imweġja , l-istudju lingwistiku li konna għamilna fuq il-bloggs jew bloggijiet jew blogog, tant konna daħħalna rasna fil-garigori ta’ sormna?) … Kont qed ngħid, il-bloggej l-iktar dixxiplinat u l-iktar spontanju kien Jacques, jimbotta u jxewwex ta’ kuljum, iżommna fuq saqajna, jiġifieri mwaħħlin bilqiegħda nikklikkjaw u nittajpjaw. U minn Jacques għadni nitgħallem ftit ftit sal-lum, jien u nsegwi mill-bogħod. Ma nistagħġeb xejn bil-fatt li għadu jakkuża. Ad altiora, kif kitibli darba fuq il-blogg tal-Maqluba. Daqs sena oħra, nixtieq inkun hemm biex nimbuttaw it-8 flimkien, ħa nisimgħuh jinstabat bil-ħlewwa mal-art.

U bi tbissima, ghax b’hekk, dawk il-waqtiet tal-ahhar ta’ qabel nintfew ma jaslu qatt.