Mediawatch uncut

I’s the third time this week that the editors have chosen to not publish my comments online. Now they are fully entitled to choose to ignore my contribution to the high level debate that goes on in the nether regions of every illuminated article. Since freedom of expression is in vogue right now we thought of creating a website where the comments that are not exactly kosher on the would be welcome.

We have the prototype up and running. The address is The “vox” in the address is quite appropriate as it gives a voice to those commentators with whom the Times has trouble dealing.

Incidentally the comment that sparked this action was a comment of mine at the foot of the Times editorial today. Ed was rambling about how nobody has commented on the Labour plan to tackle corruption and I just remarked that “nel nostro piccolo” we had already done so at J’accuse on the 15th of May. That was this morning. This afternoon and many comments later there is still no sign of our comment. Hence “TOM Uncut“.

The moment we have more time we will move this new blog to a new permanent base with a lovely web address that is sure to surprise the timesofmalta geeks. If you have any comment that has not passed the censorship lines be sure to follow the instructions on TOM Uncut.

Publish and be damned Baby!

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