
Muscat Offers Price of a Passport (for a family) to Find Daphne’s Assassin

The government has officially confirmed today it is offering a €1 million reward for information leading to the identification of the person or persons responsible for Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder.

Daphne’s relatives have already refused to endorse the reward. “Justice, beyond criminal liability, will only be served when everything that our mother fought for – political accountability, integrity in public life and an open and free society – replaces the desperate situation we are in” – were the words of Daphne’s sons.

The government seems to believe that it can buy a clean conscience with €1 million. That million euros will not bring Daphne back. It will not reunite a grieving family. That does not count in the government scale of values though.

In fact one million euros is just about right to buy an interested family a passport for each member of the family. If they choose to rent a house to circumvent the property investment issue they might even get some change back on that million.

This is the government of the budget surplus made of questionable profits. It believes it can put a price on everything and that way everything will be solved.

There is no price for freedom.

There are crooks everywhere now. But some people will never be bought.