
Mistra Matters

The nationalist party had promised to present proof that it was Joseph Muscat who had given the game away about the PL’s targeting of JPO for the Mistra affair. We’re still waiting for concrete proof- if there is any beyond the words of PN officials. In any case though the whole story of Joseph’s blabbing away the news is not entirely new since Joe Saliba had in fact mentioned it in an interview four years ago. It explains why the whole business kept ringing a bell.

PN Secretary General Paul Borg Olivier told us all this in a press conference this afternoon. He showed a clip of Joseph Muscat warning of the hot news that would be out in the forthcoming days. Not exactly proof of blabbing in a party.

Well, the Mistra Leak saga goes on but J’accuse is interested in one particular bit of information. Towards the end of the Times article reporting the press conference we find the following:

The issue now was not Mistra itself, Dr Paul Borg Olivier said, but how Dr Muscat was now trying to hide his actions.

A very telling phrase that. A Borg Olivier slip I would add. Why? Because it betrays an eagerness to shift the focus of what actually happened at Mistra back in 2008 to the nonsensical charade of leak accusations that really gets us nowhere. In actual fact shifting the focus away from Mistra means shifting the focus away from the fact that JPO’s dealings were not exactly kosher – whether with or without the knowing connivance of PN officials.

That same non-kosher JPO was part of the team that won the right to govern (and he garnered over 5000 votes). That same JPO of the shady Mistra dealings now sits in an uncomfortable cohabitation with the PN government. Of course PBO would love us to think that the issue is not Mistra itself.

Otherwise we would be forced to realise that this government is now making pacts with an Independent MP who still has a lot to answer for with regard to his dealings in Mistra Valley.

Earl grey anyone?