Rule of Law

The Mafia State

“Come evitare di parlare di Stato quando si parla di mafia?”

Giovanni Falcone

Il-Bord huwa sodisfatt, u l-indikaturi huma kollha f’din id-direzzjoni, illi għalkemm il-movent mhux sa llum bi preċiżjoni stabbilit, ma hemm xejn x’jindika li l-assassinju ma seħħx għal raġunijiet direttament marbuta malinvestigazzjonijiet li kienet qed tagħmel is-Sinjura Caruana Galizia fuq allegazzjonijiet serji ta’ amministrazzjoni pubblika ħażina, ta’ abbuż ta’ poter u korruzzjoni, f’isfond ta’ 𝗿𝗮𝗯𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗶𝗹-𝗾𝗿𝗶𝗯 𝘂 𝗱𝘂𝗯𝗷𝘂𝘇̇𝗶 𝗯𝗲𝗷𝗻 𝗶𝗹-𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗸𝗮, 𝗻-𝗻𝗲𝗴𝗼𝘇𝗷𝘂 𝗸𝗯𝗶𝗿 𝘂 𝗹-𝗸𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗮̀ 𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘇𝘇𝗮𝘁𝗮.

Bord ta’ Inkjesta Daphne Caruana Galizia

The Board of Inquiry into the circumstances of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination has published its report. The main thrust of this report is that the State should shoulder the responsibility for this assassination. There are many conclusions to be drawn from the contents of the report including the fact that finally we have a clear assertion that Joseph Muscat’s government enabled a culture of impunity that led, among other things to the atrocious murder of an investigative journalist.

Within the wider context of the backsliding of the rule of law, the report shines a powerful light on the shortcomings of an executive within a corrupt system that is now irremediably intertwined with big business and organised crime. Beyond the important issue of the responsibility for Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder and the need for justice in that particular case, the report is a clear indictment of the system that exists today.

There can be no clearer evidence that our current decadent constitutional set up has suffered irreparable damage. The Mafia State that runs the show cannot continue to purport to lead Malta through a process of change and remedy. So long as the main enablers of the system persist in a game of survival there will be no real cure.

Prime Minister Abela tweeted the need to rise above partisanship. He is right in that. What is wrong is expecting the parliament of parties that were part of the problem to provide solutions. The Mafia State needs eradicating – literally cleansing from the roots. The political party structure, the current constitutional set-up, the partisan cul-de-sac that has provided fodder for criminal activity and is putty in the hands of big business needs to go.

It is time to admit that the Mafia State exists and it is time for the Mafia State to go.

“Per lungo tempo si sono confuse la mafia e la mentalità mafiosa, la mafia come organizzazione illegale e la mafia come semplice modo di essere. Quale errore! Si può benissimo avere una mentalità mafiosa senza essere un criminale.”

Giovanni Falcone


The Faces of Impunity

Whenever I watch documentaries about popular uprisings against dictatorships I always end up wondering about those special forces, elite or otherwise, who are called upon to defend the dictator/politician from the crowds. When not in uniform do these soldiers have a life? Do they go home and bring bread to the table to a family that is presumably also suffering under the present regime? What keeps them ticking till the end? What hidden power helps them raise their bayonets or guns against the people who are intent to bring about change?

So much for the troops defending the likes of Ceausescu from the rabble. Jose Herrera seems to have believed that he might need protection of his own from the ‘rabble’ calling for truth and justice outside parliament in November and December. By his own admission there was no particular threat to his well-being (his being an insignificant enabling member of the extended cabinet must have had much to do with this).

And yet Jose’ deemed it fit to dig into the public’s pockets to adorn his entourage with gorillas to ensure his safety. Yes, you read that right. By way of direct order Jose’ did what our Labour politicians seem to do quite well and appropriated some public money for his own imaginary needs.

Now I know that as in some countries of dubious democratic record, our politicians love to be surrounded with the occasional knucklehead or two – it seems to add to the street cred and helps keep away the fawning fans from touching their holy habits. Jose’s extravagance though goes a step further.

First of all he did not need the security because there was no apparent threat. Second of all even if he did, this did not mean he could fish into the public box and spend 19,000 euros without so much of a “please”.

This happens in Muscat’s Malta (now inherited by dithering more of the same Bobby). Muscat’s Malta that so proudly proclaims to have kicked off reforms to please (among others) the Venice commission. I wonder if these reforms will change the manner of appointment by Decree (of His Holiness Owen) as we witnessed in the case of Jose’s daughter.

Remember how Owen justified yet another public appointment by private decree?

The new Commissioner for Law and daughter of the Minister for the Environment Jose Herrera, Martina Herrera, will earn roughly €11,000 per year, and was selected by the Ministry for Justice Owen Bonnici without any other applicants, the latter has confirmed. The Minister clarified that the appointment of such a role, as stipulated in law, was always placed under his remit’s discretion.

It’s all in the family isn’t it? We weren’t shocked in 2017 so why should we be shocked now. After all the Herrera family’s habit of living off public money is only one example of the hundreds you will find under this administration.

That, my friends, is how corruption feeds itself.

Citizenship Corruption Rule of Law


The situation is not desperate. Thousands flock to Spinola Bay to drink and revel. The memorial has been cleared (again) because someone somewhere has decided that we have a collective need to forget and it is his duty to help us do so. Political appointees and apparatchiks everywhere will once again deem it necessary to denigrate the acts of remembrance and will drum the following mantra into your head – this is the time to make hay, the sun is shining. All the while the law is made an ass and the safeguards of real freedom are broken down.

Remember, remember the 16th of October,
A car bomb, impunity and plot
We see no reason,
Why systemic treason,
Should ever be forgot.

#justice #daphnecrauanagalizia #impunity