
8 years of J’accuse

This year’s blogging anniversary for J’accuse was lost amidst the chaos and confusion of a General Election. On the 10th of March 2013, J’accuse turned eight. Eight years of constant blogging have not only been a gratifying experience (for myself of course) but also an enriching one. This blog has evolved over time as has its readership. The advent of social media has meant that the blog becomes a tool for more specific – longer – reflections than the immediacy of Facebook or Twitter. J’accuse survives all the same.

With the 8th anniversary comes an important announcement. For the last few months J’accuse has transformed into a purely political blog and become less of cyclopaedic blog that comments upon everything. Furthermore, this has been the first campaign in which J’accuse openly backed one of the running horses – AD – as I felt that this would be completely in line with the editorial policy and beliefs of this blog.

The political side of this blog will no longer be a predominant factor however. The main reason is that over the last few months those to whom I am answerable by way of employment have frequently voiced their worry that my political opinions be associated with themselves – something to which they do not take too kindly. I stress that this is an opinion of theirs which I do not share but which I cannot ignore both out of respect as well as out of exigencies at the workplace. There is no doubt that “guilt by association” is very much alive in Maltese politics (and in the observation thereof) and that my continuing to voice my political opinion would risk the very consequences of such an association being perpetrated much to the chagrin of my immediate work superiors.

It is therefore with a heavy heart that I have agreed not to continue blogging about Maltese politics in this space. I would like to stress that everything that has been written up until this very post – from the very first post on the 10th March 2005 – is my opinion and my opinion only (for which I assume full responsibility) unless otherwise stated explicitly. Nothing contained in this blog should ever have been, or be, construed as reflecting the opinion of any individual, organisation, institution or party other than myself.

J’accuse will continue existing as a blog upon everything – pointing out the idiosyncrasies of life as an expat and observing life in Malta from a distance. Blogging is a vice as much as it is a pleasure. I sincerely hope that you continue to enjoy the posts from this blog at least with a fraction of the pleasure that I derive writing them.

Thank you so much for being with this blog until this point. Till the next post…  comment and be damned.