
Braying Donkeys and Hyenas

It is with the weapon of information that the hyenas and donkeys of this world will be finally relegated to the dust heap of irrelevance where they belong.

The Maltese have a saying ; “Ħanqa/naħqa ta’ ħmar qatt ma telgħet is-sema”. (A donkey’s braying never reached the sky). I never quite put my finger on what exactly we are to learn from this proverb and normally put it down to mean that the noises some individuals make are best ignored because of their emptiness.

I am reminded of the saying every time I come across posts by that sans pareil of Maltese wankellectualism Mario Azzopardi. It is not just now that he is steeped in controversy for his latest base brainfart attacking Roberta Metsola – it is practically always. The energumen has styled himself as some sort of facebook demagogue riding the filthy waves of jingoistic patriotism, unbridled racism and collective bigotry. His appeals are followed by a herd of like-minded individuals whose common lineage is found in the perverted interpretation of civil society that has prevailed in the age of TaghnaLkolllism.

Just before his tirade against Metsola, on St. George’s day, this latest version Malta’s illuminati had written his own appreciation of what politics is about:

He’d rather have a son of a bitch in power than a floppy romantic ‘saint’. Poor old Macchiavelli gets drawn into this Manual of the Political Warrior as Pilate in the creed. Were it a politician talking you might even salute the bold assertiveness of the position being taken. Black on white it is there. This is no politician though. This rabble rouser is a leech on the public purse – one of the many who enjoyed the patronage of Muscat’s Aqwa Zmien… one of the few for whom this was really a golden age.

Metsola rightly did not stoop to the levels of this hyena (far from sharks Mario, far from sharks) of the political jungle. Her reply to his ridiculous tirade was exemplary:

Yes, because lessons on what politics should be about are not to be taken from hyenas scavenging for some prize but from those who work hard for the common good. Incidentally it will not go unnoticed that the hyena’s efforts are part of a concerted effort encouraged daily by the authorities in power. Internet bullying and rabble rousing remains the order of the day as a long list of insignificant politicians and pseudo-politicians attempt to harness the anger of a misinformed population.

It is with the weapon of information that the hyenas and donkeys of this world will be finally relegated to the dust heap of irrelevance where they belong.

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