
Call my Bluff

This nation has its testicles in the hands of Franco Debono because our current government will not give up power readily and because the only alternative to government is Joseph Muscat of the hacking, the “controversial secret plans for the economy” and the directionless policies based on the sole maxim of “PN is bad”. Interesting times indeed.

No. I’m not calling my own bluff and I am still on a blogging break (well, sort of) but I’ve woken up mighty early this Sunday and thanks to the hour switch it becomes earlier still. I’m probably also suffering from article writing withdrawal symptoms so all in all I am entitled to a little post.

So whose bluff should we be calling? Well – the average backbencher’s of course. Right now it is the Honourable Franco Debono who is back in the limelight (incidentally we do hope his relative has a speedy recovery in hospital) for being the latest backbencher/government MP to hold the government at ransom. To put it more blandly, Franco has the government by the balls. (As the Latins would say “cuius testiculos habet, habeat cardeam et cerebellum”). As Labourites cheer and hardlines nationalists grind their teeth, Franco is holding his ground over the possibility of his abstaining in a crucial vote about an opposition motion regarding Minister Austin Gatt and the Arriva fiasco (a very good piece by James Debono here). Well good on Franco Debono I say.

Do you know why Franco Debono (now) and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (then) are behaving this way? Because THEY CAN. Oh yes they can. Remember the whole J’accuse rant about the way the electoral rules are phrased in order to be able to foist the “wasted vote” conundrum on the undecided voter? Do you remember how you are constantly reminded that EVERY VOTE COUNTS in order to get that much craved majority (even relative) to get to govern ALONE – without the need of coalitions? And when only two parties elect members to parliament but none of those parties have a clear majority above 50% of votes cast then we get the famous D’Hondt Relative Majority – and the party with RELATIVELY the most votes gets to play government by having its seats adjusted to equal OPPOSITION +1.

That +1 then becomes the noose around the government’s neck whenever a backbencher wants to make some noise. The opposition is obviously going to accomodate anybody wanting to stir the governmental ship and there you have it .. the plus one becomes the “testicle holder”. Q.E.D.

Is there a solution? Of course there is. In the interests of governance the Prime Minister could call an election. It’s been the elephant in the room for quite some time now. Call an election. Call the backbencher’s bluff. Get the people to decide on whether they want individual kingmakers or whether they would prefer a stable government with a wider majority. Why has this solution not been resorted to? Simples. You do not call an election that you cannot win.

This nation has its testicles in the hands of Franco Debono because our current government will not give up power readily and because the only alternative to government is Joseph Muscat of the hacking, the “controversial secret plans for the economy” and the directionless policies based on the sole maxim of “PN is bad”. Interesting times indeed.

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