
I.M.Jack – Global Edition

It’s been a long time since I went for the “round-up” style post but here is one for all kinds of tastes. Straight from the heart of eurodoubt we take a quick look at what’s going on in the world around us – and obviously pepper a few of our own comments. (and videos from the euronews youtube feed)

1. Plagiarism on the Independent
Well it’s not Malta’s Independent but the UK’s. Journalist and columnist Johann Hari made a public apology and promised to return the “George Orwell Prize” that he had been awarded after he admitted to having committed what he called “two wrong and stupid things”. The first “stupid thing” might not even sound like plagiarism to some but gives us a good example of the rigors of professional journalism. Hari was accused of replacing interviewees words with similar clips taken from books or articles elsewhere. The words used were by the same interviewees but they were not the ones they used in the interview.

The second “stupid thing” turns out to be really stupid. Hari adopted a user-name in order to edit Wikipedia entries. Here is his admission of his faults in this second error:

I factually corrected some other entries about other people. But in a few instances, I edited the entries of people I had clashed with in ways that were juvenile or malicious: I called one of them anti-Semitic and homophobic, and the other a drunk. I am mortified to have done this, because it breaches the most basic ethical rule: don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you. I apologise to the latter group unreservedly and totally.

Hari admitted plagiarism and publicly apologised for his actions. In addition to that ” (Hari) is to take four months’ unpaid leave to undertake a programme of journalism training at his own expense. He will also return the Orwell Prize which was awarded to him in 2008. ” (see Independent columnist apologises for plagiarism).

2. Governments Abroad

If you take a break from the PLPN hyperreality where Muscat sells mystery policies and Caruana Galizia and Bondi still peddle Mintoff as current affairs you will find a whole new world beyond the borders of good old Melita. In that world the German Constitutional Court has just delivered an important judgement that clears the way for Merkel’s plans to help the euro by helping the Greeks. Meanwhile, the markets remain nervous and shaky with different messages not helping to stabilise the environment.

Italy‘s “manovra” was pushed through as bombe carta exploded outside the Senate house but the “austerity” bill that was announced includes measures that are prone to bring the unions to the streets and the country to an unhelpful standstill. Berlusconi failed to tax the rich and seems to still believe that the less successful can help carry the burden of the crisis.

French banks were left wondering what hit them when Moody decided to downgrade the ratings for giants Société Générale and Credit Agricole among others. The downgrade was put down to the lack of confidence in the French banks due to “the increasing vulnerabilities of the market“. Meanwhile the bid to become Presidential candidate for the PS begins in earnest as the six candidates vowed to oppose each other but not to argue/fight.

UK banks seem to have survived the current tests but are also subject to warnings that the new rules could stretch their finances. (Telegraph) In his article on the Telegraph economist Andrew Lilico explains why the death of the euro could also mean the death of the EU. Analysis and reaction to recent events by major politicians have prompted calls for a rewriting of the treaty and even a call for a Federal Europe.

Maastricht, Amsterdam and Lisbon seem to have been the wrong antidote to the deepening vs widening argument that plagued Europe in the nineties and noughties. It should come as no surprise that once again economic realties push the reluctant continent into some long-awaited decision making about its future form.


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2 replies on “I.M.Jack – Global Edition”

hello jacque, one small technical point, my computer slows down visibly when i navigate, or whatever the word is, through your blog. Is that something you may want to look at or is it something that only applies to my computer? Warm regards

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