Divorce Politics

Flights Can Vote

I received an unsolicited email from the Malta Labour Party. Since I’m not sure whether I had subscribed to some form of Labour mailing list in order to keep up to date with the latest missives from that corner of the world I am not sure whether this is a typical PLPN invasion of privacy.

On the other hand the message does not carry a justification as to why I am receiving it: you know the type that goes “You are receiving this email because you are subscribed to [insert name here] mailing list. To unsubscribe please click here” – so whether I am sure or not isn’t really the issue.

Of course the PLPN have no real reason to bother with these courtesies, particularly when it comes to contact details of potential voters – another reason why the flight home business pays them is in order to stay in control. Then when they don’t get their way you get Alfred Sant waving lists of private details in Parliament. So. I will not know how Mr Louis Gatt of the “Ufficju Elettorali, Partit Laburista” got hold of my work email and sent me an unsolicited mail. What I do know is that if it was meant to inform me of anything it sure did a poor job.

Here’s the text in Maltese:

Ninfurmak li l-Airmalta issa qed toffri flights bil-Eur35 minn Luxemburg sabiex ikunu jistghu jivvotaw fir-Referendum tat 28 ta’ Mejju 2011, u anke fl-Advance Voting tas-Sibt 21 ta Mejju 2011.
Sabiex tibbukkja ghandek iccempel dirett lil Airmalta fuq linja apposta 00356 2364 5321
Louis Gatt
Ufficcju Elettorali
Partit Laburista

Interestingly, Louis Gatt is using his own private email to send this information in the name of the PL. But now down to basics. The email informs me that Airmalta is offering €35 flights from Luxembourg. The badly constructed Maltese implies that it is the flight that will vote (toffri flights bil-Eur35 minn Luxemburg sabiex ikunu jistghu jivvotaw)and not the person but hey… it’s the thought that counts.

Then there’s the additional bit of misinformation: “even the Advanced Voting on Saturday 21st May“. Oh No we can’t. There is only one return flight from Luxembourg (and that is one too many) and that leaves on Thursday 26th and returns on Saturday 28th. So no, Louis, there are no flights available for the advanced voting on Saturday 21 May. All we have is flights available for a backward/retrograde/neanderthal/antique system of voting that costs the State money, wastes the voters’ time and gives the PLPN a control mechanism of knowing who does and does not regularly exercise his vote from abroad.

There you have it — Labour & Nationalists….  holding you back from 21st century politics.



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