Arts Mediawatch

Say Cheese

The Spanish parliament has just made EUR 15b worth of budget cuts (by one vote) and Malta can afford to discuss communion to cohabitants, hypothetical coalitions, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Lou Bondi and whether secularism is a disease. Damned lucky country. – Fausto Majistral

It does bamboozle the brain does it not? The way this island of ours manages to get enthralled and sidestepped into all sorts of useless discussions. It suddenly dawned on the Roman Catholics that cohabitation is a sort of no-no though quite exactly how to go about implementing the no-no prohibition is any busybody’s guess. The coalition issue is not as hot as Fausto would make it seem but we did get curious about the way the C & C gov’t would go about the cohabiting at 10 Downing Street. As for DCG and Bondi – ah they remain as entertaining as ever. The Runs has slowed down its inordinate pace of the past few months and seems to be bogged in the Maltese equivalent of the Liliputian question. While on the shores of Brogdinbag they mused on whether an egg should be split open on the narrow end or on the wider end in the hallowed fora of the pinker end of the Maltese blogosphere the debate rages on as to the best way to pronounce the cheese as “rikotta” or “irkotta”. Rikotta or irkotta it will always be best used for stuffing pastizzi or torot and you know how it is – I say tomato you say tomatoe others say irkotta. Spot the Gozitan quirk in the last sentence and I will tell you the best place to buy irkotta north of the Rubicon. I’m trying to flog my camera collection to the best offerors: it’s a Nikon Coolpix S-60 (starting price €110) and an Olympus E-500 (starting price €499 – with two lenses and holdall nag). Any buyers? If my ventures work out I will buy an Olympus PEN-1 with the proceeds – before you know it I will be back at my snapping and photoshopping…

… say “Cheese” … or should that be irkotta? Muhahahaha.

Scene from “La Ricotta” (Pasollini)

Scene from “La Ricotta” (Pasolini)

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8 replies on “Say Cheese”

I will tell you the best place to buy irkotta north of the Rubicon.

An east of the Ardennes.

Madonna harbitli “L”. Laqqas li I said ircotta marelli Faust! lol

Bad buzz re: Coleman. Yesterday I spent a whole hour watching clips from Diffr’nt Strokes and reading about his life… got a cold chill reading about his death. Just out of curiosity (because my brain is getting huge bouts of short-term memory loss) did we mention Coleman this week or was my wandering onto his life just a case of coincidental serendipity?

Re: rikotta north of rubicon you still did not find the Gozitan quirk… basta pedantic.

“Int taf xi jfisser” … bah, it was so obvious I did not dwell on it.

Mentioned Coleman? Not to my knowledge. Think about this: we’ll always think of him saying “Che cavolo stai diceno, Willis?”, words he never mouthed.

The Spanish parliament has just made EUR 15b worth of budget cuts (by one vote) and Malta can afford to discuss communion to cohabitants, hypothetical coalitions, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Lou Bondi and whether secularism is a disease. Damned lucky country. – Fausto Majistral.

What they don’t know won’t hurt them……besides didn’t the PM say that they’re well on their way to achieving Vision 2015? So why worry.

Coleman’s most famous phrase was ” watchu talkin bout Willis”.

Like his co-stars, he had a troubled life.

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