Mediawatch Politics

Twits and Tweets

JosephMuscatPL is Joseph Muscat’s twitter name. He has just tweeted the following: “Il-PL jaspira ghal separazzjoni bejn Stat u Knisja b’rispett reciproku”. (The Labour party aspires for a separation between State and Church with mutual respect).


Yes. That is my question. What exactly am I, a voter, supposed to make of this? I mean how binding is it on Joseph Muscat and what exactly is there to be binding about? This is the same party which produced President George Abela – whose statements were indistinguishable from those of men of the cloth when the Pope’s visited the Maltese islands. This is the same party that cannot call a spade a spade and still backs the hypocritical “free vote” in parliament rather than setting it down in black on white that Labour will introduce divorce in Malta.

Since it is “aspirations” we are talking about Joseph does that mean that you will be revising the “principles” on which our nation is founded. Let’s see. Maybe you would like to change  the introductory articles of the constitution – you know the bit about our being a Roman Catholic country?

I’m not sure twitter is the place for that kind of statement Joseph. To be quite honest I am not sure that it looks good on the aspirant leader of a progressive movement to be stating the obvious like that. I should hope that severing any Church/state links would be “taken as read” in the preparation of a clear policy direction for the New Progressives.

Less twitter and more substance Joseph… the clock is ticking and you are very very far from even beginning to convince the intelligent part of the electorate that your party is worth considering. Unless of course you are still banking on winning the election solely on the basis of the votes of the disgruntled – I wouldn’t blame you since the system is perfectly geared for that eventuality.


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3 replies on “Twits and Tweets”

Quote: I should hope that severing any Church/state links would be “taken as read” in the preparation of a clear policy direction for the New Progressives.

Not quite with you on this.

It needs to be stated because opinion reproduced below taken from comments posted on the TOM in reaction to said ‘news’ is also representative of a shared opinion that remains alive and active. Muscat’s statement need to perhaps be made to square up to this stance.

James Grima(1 hour, 33 minutes ago)Le ghas sekularizmu, divorzju. Hbieb ma rridux ninsew li il motto ta pajjizna huwa “Patria, u Religjon”, u ghalhekk ghandna nghidu le ghal PL. Bhal fis 60s meta ahna konna wara il Knisja Kattolika li kienet sfat atakkata mill forzi tas sekularizmu, illum ahna ninsabu maqudin warajha biex nghidu ghal dejjem LE ghal dan il partit li QATT ma kellu, u m’ghandu postu fis socjeta Kattolika, u konservattiva tradizjonalista Maltija

It also needs to square up to crypted stateents (see who is talking :) ) like those of Fr Borg Quote: In the international fora and on the national scene we should continue “to stand up for the indissolubility of marriage,” “the true nature of the family” … and for the proper respect owed to religious freedom unquote.

Father Borg has still to answer the question

Are you here inferring that the church should itself deny others such options as divorce by demanding that, say, its divorce dogma be forced on the state?

I do not think that church/state seperation can be taken as read.

Maybe so danny, maybe so. I agree that in Malta it might not be so much of a “given” but on the other hand I expect (and that is not too harsh a word) a bit more than words and twitters in this respect.

Tweeting aspirations is one thing… actual action by PL is another – they could start by putting pen to paper and committing on the most basic, obvious one of them all – divorce.

Re: Divorce – 1. out of the duopoly, the LP is the one that is seen to be actively persuing divorce. The best that the NP can do is mention once every two years a co-habitation legislation 2. both np and lp have pro and anti divorce deputies. This will still be the case after next election. Hence, 3. the free vote after next election does make some sense to me at least because a voter can ‘express’ views on the subject come next election that would be reflected in the free vote as long as the np follows suit. From where i stand i would certainly put down divorce as a promise yet realities are unfortunately what they are.

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