
Thinkabout It! III

This blog is off to Brussels again to take part in the launching of the third Thinkabout IT! experience. We had skipped the second one due to work obligations but we are back for the Development edition. We have no idea what to look forward to or what to expect but it is always an interesting and reinvigorating experience to exchange ideas with fellow bloggers.

This time round the event is not limited to Europe but is a global event with bloggers from all over the world conveying on BXL tomorrow for a one-day run-through before the games begin. There always is a competitive element to these EJC editions but that is only half of the fun. I also discovered that thanks to my first plug of the event on this blog and the Indy, the Moviment Indipendenti candidate for KSU will also be participating. André Vella (for that is his name) who blogs at Virgilspeaketh has taken up the challenge too. We’ll be representin’ the isle that never stops whinging in the city that never ceases to stink.

I’m off to pack my one-nighter and charge all geek accessories. Will be blogging from the Saint Catherine sector of Stinkville probably. So see you there.

Faust – shall we try a coffee break somewhere in the centre at around 1700? (Remember, remember, the fun of the BXL underground last time we met!)

TH!NK ABOUT IT #3 – OFFICIAL TRAILER from European Journalism Centre on Vimeo.

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4 replies on “Thinkabout It! III”

Sounds like a (stinky) if enjoyable trip. What time would you leave for home? Would love to be able to chin wag over a coffee at some point. Hit me via e-mail if you’re interested

The Unexpected Traveller

Naf li m’ghandux x’jaqsam mas-suggett tal-post (mhux blogg) imma fil-Maltastar kien hemm rapport fil-Qorti fejn certu Indri Zammit qal li l-avukat tieghi kien tah parir biex ma jsemmix lil xi hadd ghax dan kien negozjant importanti f’Malta. Issa dan l-avukat lahaq sar Segretarju Parlamentari….(ara l-istorja hawn taht)….Issa nghid jien …Daphne Caruana Galizia li suppost qed taghmel krucjata kontra dan it-tip ta ma nafx x’tghidlu, kif ghadha ma qalet xejn? Ghandikun tipreferi tqasqas fuq min ha jkolli tarbija?
Parliamentary Secretary advised drug trafficker not to mention name of businessman

23 March 2010 20:09

A Parliamentary Secretary, who some years back practised his profession as a lawyer had instructed the Egyptian national Ekrem Mubarak not to mention the name of a Maltese entrepreneur during a drug trafficking investigation.

Convicted drug trafficker Ekrem Mubarak was testifying last week in the trial by jury of Indri Zammit when he claimed that in the preliminary stages of the investigation he has been advised by a Lawyer not to mention a local entrepreneur during police interviews because the gentleman “is a very important person in Malta”.

Zammit, well known in PN circles, was sentenced to 18 years in prison at the end of a trial by jury last week.

Mubarak kept his promise until last week when testifying under oath he cracked and mentioned both the entrepreneur and the lawyer who advised him to hide his identity.

It turned out that the Lawyer now holds public office and he is a Parliamentary Secretary

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