
Je Quote – Good Night and Good Luck

This week’s quotes that make you go ooh-  from the rest of the world to Plategate.

The Rest

“If you’re going to be a controversial writer, you have to expect people to have an opinion about you and you have to take the rough with the smooth”.
Anna Ford (former BBC and ITN news presenter and seventies feminist icon) on Martin Amis this week.

“Let me just say absolutely clearly… I have never, never hit anyone in my life”. -PM Gordon Brown reacts to dramatic allegations of staff bullying. Would exposing a politician’s or public official’s bullying antics be considered fair comment?

“Civil servants reported that Mr Brown’s mood was ‘absolutely black all the time’ and that staff were ‘afraid of him because he was always shouting at people, being unpleasant, constantly blaming poeple for things going wrong.’ – Extracts from the book by Andrew Rawnsley (The End of the Party) which contains the allegations about Mr Brown’s notorious temper.

Dare il colpo del k.o. al campionato a gennaio e febbraio può accadere solo in Lussemburgo, in Liechtestein o a Malta. – Jose Mourinho, Whinger Coach.

Former Prime Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici insisted today that Malta should leave the EU and the Partnership for Peace and continue to be neutral and non-aligned as laid down in the Constitution. – KMB. He still doesn’t get it.

Cut me, paste me, bite me. – J’accuse’s suggested Facebook status for the month.

Good Night & Good Luck (Plategate)
The columnist in this case raised certain pertinent points in the magistrate’s regard which need to be followed up. But her assertions would have carried far more weight had they been backed by evidence and devoid of the needless personal element. That said, it must be pointed out that she is by no means the only person involved in local journalism these days who has breached what we believe to be the border of what should be printable and what should not. In fact, some people willingly engage in what can only be described as print terrorism. – the Sunday Times (Editorial) catches up on Plategate.

Wonder of wonders, for the mainstream media it is as if nothing is happening. I find this silence quite strange or ungilded. – Fr Joe Borg’s blog (still latest version on 22 feb). When ignorance is bliss.

BondiPlus is planning Monday’s edition to be about the furore over the magistrate and the politician, with communications expert Fr Joe Borg as the sole guest. – Daphne plans Bondiplus (the Runs, 19th February)

He’s (Fr Borg) the only one who’s written about the subject dispassionately so far, in the mainstream media. I know because the producers rang me for statistics, a copy of the charge sheet relating to the twin, identical defamation suits involving Miss Piggy and Kermit, and some general information about this blog. – same blog, same date 19th February. We get Mr Dispassionate but no Runs on the programme? Is anyone going to ask why DCG will not be on Bondiplus tonight?

Let us dream to the extent of saying that on a given Sunday night the time normally occupied by Ed Sullivan is given over to a clinical survey of the state of American education, and a week or two later the time normally used by Steve Allen is devoted to a thoroughgoing study of American policy in the Middle East. – Edward R MurrowJ’accuse instructions: For Saturday replace Monday. For Ed Sullivan replace Lou Bondi. For American education replace Maltese democracy.

But the line between investigating and persecuting is a very fine one, and the Junior Senator from Wisconsin has stepped over it repeatedly. His primary achievement has been confusing the public mind as between the internal and the external threats of communism. We must not confuse dissent from disloyalty. We must remember always, that accusation is not proof, and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another, we will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason. If we dig deep into our history and our doctrine, we will remember we are not descended from fearful men. Not from men who dared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were for the moment unpopular. This is no time for men who oppose Sen. McCarthy’s methods to keep silent or for those who approve. We can deny our heritage and our history but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of the republic to abdicate his responsibilities. As a nation we have come into our full inheritance at a tender age. We proclaim ourselves as indeed we are, the defenders of freedom wherever it still exists in the world. But we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home. The actions of the Junior Senator from Wisconsin have caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad and given considerable comfort to our enemies. And whose fault is that? Not really his, he didn’t create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully. Cassius was right, the fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves. Good night, and good luck. – Edward R. Murrow

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60 replies on “Je Quote – Good Night and Good Luck”

Ara xi hlew Lou- diga ta palata lil Daphne. Flok sema li l-haga beda fil-blog ta Daphne u semma xi erba’ pastazati u oxxenitajiet li qalet, beda bl-istatement tal-pulizija li saret dan l-ahhar…..idahhaqnix Lou

U ejja Fr. Joe – hallina mill-artiklu fjakk ta Daphne. Ghidilna x’tahseb fuq l-allegazzjonijiet dwar it-terra bajda u x’gharukaza li mara tilbes il-qalziet tal-hajta ( kollha suggetti li trattat Daphne)

Issa wasalna ghar-responsabbilta tal-gurnalist….ajma zaqqi…x’jahseb il-mistieden distint ta Lou rigward ir-responsabbilta ta “gurnalista” li tallega li membru tal-gudikatura qeghda fi crieki li jiehdu “it-terra bajda” u ma tizvelax din il-haga ghal xi tmien snin? Dik responsabilta….dak fl-interess pubbliku…

Looks like the myth that only Joe Borg ever wrote anything about Daphne is destined to be perpetuated tonight. At least Lou declared a sort of interest – kollha hbieb tieghi. This week we do a few favours for my friends, (there, there, don’t fight) and next week back with the backbenchers… (there, there don’t revolt).

@ Jacques – Vera- dak gurnalizmu! Lou ma staqsihix lil Daphne fuq it-terra bajda….ma kienx hemm bzonn hux…..ghax kien hemm kollox fil-blog… U Fr. Borg hassu mdejjaq fuq l-insinwazzjonijiet li kien hemm fit-Torca ilbierah …allura jghidilna ftit fuq l-insinwazzjonijiet li ghamlet Daphne….dawn accettabli ghal dan il-mistieden distint (li hu biss kiteb fuq din il-haga…..ahna mhux qed niktbu ta….ahna invizibli)

Insomma fjakkezza ta programm. Lou qabbadha minn sorma (il-bicca shiha, tahsbux hazin…) ghax beda bl-istatement flok bit-tghajjit, il-pastazati u l-insinwazzjonijiet li ghamlet Daphne….u issa hafna dahq tal-fidilagni “he he he” u ezempji astratti….u ahjar naraw il-Dopo Festival flok il-Dopo Daphne….xejn xejn forsi jkun hemm erba nisa sbieh flok Lou bi skoss foundation u nuccali qisu ta Musumeci…

Kulhadd qisu miexi fuq il-bajd…..Lou jitkellem fuq “Il-Gurnalist” u Fr. Borg jitkellem fl-astratt…

Ma jistax jonqos. L-iscoop ta Lou din? Qbadna ma Tony Abela tal-Laburisti.. jaf b’xi reat u ghandikun ma marx ghand il-pulizija. Lou ha skandlu kbir u xxokkjat ghal ahhar. Hassu hekk skandalizzat u xxokkjat meta l-allegazzjonijiet rigward it-terra bajda f’il parties ma gewx irrapurtati lil pulizija MINNUFIH???

U jekk toni abela kellu jmur ghand il-pulizija kif hadd ma jistaqsi jekk Daphne setghetx taghzel li tmur ghand il-pulizija bl-informazzjoni minghajr ma tiba kampanja ta mibeghda? Ghaliex ma jistaqsix GHALA ISSA?

helwin wisq! u dawn hemm min jehodhom bis-serjeta`? ara l-vera pajjiz miskin u mifqugh bl-injoranza.

This prog is turning into a joke fr borg visibly ill at ease and not willing to say what lou is trying to drag out of him . And how come they ised someone elses voice to read daffy statement? Is her whining nasal voice that annoying

Here we go with nimber of hits ….even porn sites have millions of hits so what? Maybe that’s why she turned hers into a porn site

Mela Lou jerga jghid li hadd (hlief Ovvjament id-Dispassionate Fr. Joe Borg) kiteb jew investiga il-bicca….Il-mistoqsija li tigi f’mohhi hija din…ghaliex Lou (li kien mistieden fil-famuz dinner party fejn il-mistiednin kien fadalhom platti minn fuq xiex jieklu) ma qabadx u mar jinvestiga hu (jew Rachel)? Mela dawn mhux gurnalizmu fuq kollox?

Why didn’t lou ask editors of newspapers on their position on this story?
Is fr borg spokesman for them now?

wasalna ghal allegat “personal motivation” u Lou b’dik l-innocenza ta abbatin li taparsi ma jafx seww x’inhi il-motivazzjoni ta Daphne jsemmi xi boyfriends ta Daphne u l-magistrat meta it-tnejn kienu zghar…..ghax ma jsemmix il-bicca tal-platti u r-rapport u li il-panigierku li nqala nqala ghax xi hadd hadet fastidju li kienet ha tohrog din l-istorja…

@ Jacques. L-Istitut tal-Gurnalisti? Dawk Invizibbli Wkoll. Lou jara biss il Fr Joe Borg….The One and Only….dalwaqt ifaqqalu xi diska tal-Platters “Only You”….

Fear is palpable in this programme. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

And BTW. For such an expert walking in on the programme Fr Borg is rather badly informed on number of magistrates or contents of the code of ethics. Imnalla jikteb hu biss ara.

Mela. Preparazzjoni ghal dan il-programm:
1) niehdu il-footage ta Daphne ta xi 10 snin ilu minn Super One
2) Niehdu l-istatement ta Daphne mill-blog taghha (u naghmlu voice over eccitanti immens)
3) Ncemplu lil ONLY DISPASSIONATE Fr. Joe Borg
4) Indellku l-foundation fuq wicc Lou.
5) Lights. Action. Fjakkezza>

Daphne humiliating people and selectively uploading photos from facebook = publication of something or other to do with a police investigation into murder. Logici wisq!

Ha nghidlek kellu ragun Lou ghal darba. Min kien qed jistenna xi programm sensazzjonali baqa bit-toghma tal-pastizzi ghax nahseb iktar kont niehu gost naqra il-Yellow pages….

What a flop. Daffy came off looking like d coward she is hiding behind her laptop or maybe in this case in d green room while pulling lous strings

@ Jacques. Madoff x’anticlimax dik…..Lou ma qalilnix fuq id-dinner party, hlief footage antik ma rajnix, ovvjament dahalna lil Labour fil-froga (dak dejjem), hafna kliem in arja u morna norqdu….dak gurnalizmu….dak investigazzjoni….ejja nkomplu hekk…kieku kien hemm Lou fi zmien Watergate ghal bzonn Nixon ma kienx ikollu daqshekk problemi

at least it’s good to see that the motoring journalism is equally inquisitive. you can’t say that pbs is anything but consistent in mistaking advertising for journalism.

It was done in a hurry prob at daffy’s insistence …do u think it is a coidence that her court case starts next week? What is she expecting ppl to take to d streets protesting in favour of freedom of speech and chaining themselves to the qorti gates?

No one during the program commented on her reply on her blog to the statement made by the Institute of Journalists some weeks back.
How ironical. After years of villifying the church in Malta , she had to resort to hiding behind a churchman (albeit a part-time one)so as to avoid facing the camera and (maybe) an uncomfortable question or two.

worth noting that lou reads the papers from cover to cover and spots toni abela(pl)’s article, but fails to spot jacques, malta today etc talking about this case. seems he doesn’t even read daphne’s blog too carefully given that she rants about malta today’s coverage of the story twice a week.

@ Anon. Ghal Paqpaq qed tghid? Dak veru faqa. Ahjar mill-programm ta Bondi llum zgur….almenu mhux kulhadd imwerwer minn dellu u bil-bajd qishom ciccri zghar u nexfin…

@ Anon. Ghandek ragun. Lou lanqas il-Gens jaqra ..kien hemm editorjal xi xmien ilu….sahansitra is-sunday Times kellha editorjal ilbierah u xi zewg artikli. Il-Maltatoday kellha skoss artikli. Fl-Indipendent kien hemm artiklu fit tul ta Jacques u xi haga ta Pamela Hansen….imma Lou ma rahomx dawk…jew forsi ghandu dispassionate filter f’dak in-nuccali…

@ sully. iva, imma pprova titkellimx hazin bil-malti ghax tkun chav. biex tkun pulit trid tghid balla cucati omofobici bl-ingliz, u zzejinhom b’zi referenza ghas-sess orali (imma oqghod attent. dejjem bl-ingliz).

@anon I noticed that too..and how did he miss his own face on MT front page and yet berates borg for not saying the name torca. Bit I guess it must be weird when u yourself become the news

@ Anna – Kos veru, kien hemm dak il-wicc daqs dinja fuq l-ewwel pagna ta MaltaToday….u lanqas raha Lou…forsi haseb li kien xi cover ta TIME flok il-Maltatoday…

one positive note: Il- father ma libisx salib

u bilhaqq, il-father made reference to some gidba or other printed by a maltese language newspaper. Would that suggest that what malta today wrote about him was therefore correct?

Nisugerixxi li jekk Daphne u l-ferhanin taghha (fosthom hutha) ihossuhom urtati b’dan il-programm fjakkisimu jibghatu sms lil Lou….forsi jkun f’xi dinner party u jkun jista jirrispondihom minn taht il-mejda…

I think that some recognition is due to our host. One could easily see were it wanted to head. That the eventual fare was tame low-key and shallow as the journey ended up ‘stranded in mid-ocean’ must have been due to the logical and professional inputs made by a small number of contributors, which list of contributors certainly includes our host. Fresh spin-attempts will possibly be made but, as I see it, they may be running out of time. All-round behaviour can now be properly and serenely assessed by the courts.

“anna 22 February 2010 at 22:15 #
It was done in a hurry prob at daffy’s insistence …do u think it is a coidence that her court case starts next week? What is she expecting ppl to take to d streets protesting in favour of freedom of speech and chaining themselves to the qorti gates?”

Of course she does! Some of the lickspittles writing on her blog told her so, and carrying pitchforks too.

And the question is: What was the “scoop interessanti” Lou was talking about? Surely not Toni Abela’s article because it could not have been scooped having been published on the Sunday papers (and having the unique quality of being a Sunday paper article read by Lou Bondi other than those written by Fr joe Borg).

i thought that the scoop was that Mr bondi himself knows all three protagonists thereby confirming that he too frequents social gathering hosted by one of the individuals under the spotlight.

Amuseming was the impression given that the blog was being viewed by an overwhelming number of persons.

Now a figure of some 70,000 hits per day was given. Taking my own pattern, I have gone into the blog on average six times a day for say 5 days. This was also due to the fact that blogger was posting a good number of contributions even if most were of ‘entertainment’ value’ only. Therefore most of the hits were hurried one to see if there was any new addition.

Now if, on average, a person would hit the blog say 5 times a day, that would translate into 14,000 persons only.

Therefore, assuming that a person hit the blog a very conservative 2.8 times a day, the blog would have been seen by an optimistic upside estimate of just 6.25% of the population. So much for the hype.

I think the scoop lou was trying to sell us was that toni abela knows something but didn’t go to the police with it… “xokkanti” I think is the word he used…so with the same reasoning, why didn’t daffy go to the police with her portfolio of “evidence” on why consuelo should be made to resign?

Time and official documents proved Senator Joseph McCarthy right…..there were Soviet spies in the US State Department.
And a couple of Soviet spies were friends of Edward R Murrow.

It’s not a matter of guilt by association….it’s a matter of attacking the Senator coz your friend is a commie.

Again, he was proved right. Time and time again.

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