
The Guild of the Dumb

Fr Joe Borg, often sighted (yes, not cited, sighted as in seen) as an expert witness on media matters in court, has been busy asking questions about how the mainstream media is tackling “Plate-gate“. We add some of our own.

In his blog post on the Times, Borg asks a few questions that we have been asking for some time now. We are sad to note that the media expert seems to not read J’accuse as assiduously as one would think. Our “noting” results from the following statement by the media guru: “Wherever you go, people are discussing this issue, taking, quite naturally, different sides. However, wonder of wonders, for the mainstream media it is as if nothing is happening. I find this silence quite strange or ungilded”. What Fr Borg did next was to direct a series of questions to his readers. The aim, it seems, is an online exercise of disquisitions on media and ethics. J’accuse couldn’t be happier that such a discussion is finally provoked – better late than never. We will oblige by providing the set of questions (and adding a few of our own) to this particular free thinking (1) corner of the world.

First, here are Fr Borg’s queries:

  1. What should be the relationship between the public life of public persons and their private lives? I will not repeat my comments in The Sunday Times about this subject? Has a line been crossed when some media make a feast day from a quarrel Daphne had with her husband? Is Daphne herself crossing a line with her comments about the Magistrate and her friends? The line I refer to is not necessarily the line demarcated by criminal law but a finer line demarcated by journalistic and other professional ethics.
  2. Were these stories of legitimate public interest? There is a difference between a story being of public interest and it being of interest to the public. The first refers to the public right’s to know. The latter refers to the public’s curiosity, which begets no rights. Information about criminal behaviour, gross misdemeanours or infringements of professional codes of ethics by public persons is normally considered to be within the public’s right to know.
  3. Who is a public person? Daphne seems to adopt a restrictive definition and considers those being paid by public money as the qualifiers for such a title. Is not such a definition too restrictive? Are journalists to be considered as public figures? Moreover, what should one say of singers, artists and public performers whose public persona exists because the media continually nourishes it? Where do we draw the line?
  4. If private persons are participating in a legitimate activity together with public persons (whose participation, for the sake of the argument, goes against their professional code of ethics) should they (the private persons) be considered fair game for media reportage and comment?
  5. Should the posting of a photo on Facebook be treated as the posting of a photo on a public billboard? Or should Facebook be considered as a legitimate extension of one’s sitting room? Could it be realistically considered to be the latter? Can it be used indiscriminately by the media or could it only be used where there is an overriding public interest?

Now, I’ll add a few of my own (questions and observations).

  1. Is Fr Borg aware that what he is referring to as a “feast day” amounts to a law court report on l-Orizzont? One similar to tens of others that appear weekly? Does anyone remember the man who took a coffin to his house in order to threaten his wife? Surely, the reporting of a court case does not become a “feast day” solely when someone feels threatened by it, particularly, if I may add, when that someone has a record of commenting on such cases on a very regular basis (just don’t mention the Gozitans).
  2. Is Daphne crossing a line? We need to be more specific Joe. Is she crossing a line? By uncovering a potential rot in the judicial (and political by proxy system) she is not crossing a line. I think that should she substantiate any of the allegations she has made about issues (or events or circumstances)  that may have affected the performance of the judiciary then she has performed a service and is crossing no line. Is she crossing a line by opting for the rabble voyeur jury rather than the proper forums? Definitely. The line was crossed the day the public service became subservient to public humiliation. the reason the law exists is so that the proper punishments are meted out as agreed to by society. If Daphne, or anyone else for that matters, is unhappy with the judicial remedies then he or she should be striving to get the appropriate authorities (legislative) to revise the laws. Somehow I think Anna Mallia got it right when she said that DCG has lost faith in the institutions – that does not however make her virtual public lynching of personalities any better.
  3. We must bear in mind that although there are very serious allegations in question, what happened on the Runs was a general tornado of muck-raking. The “muck” jury found people guilty for being present at parties. We got spin-off gossip of the low degree based on the by now trendy denominator of “Taste”. The wheat could not be separated from the chaff once the dirt machine got spinning. The good thing is that it appears that both the Justice Minister and the Chief Justice are now in possession of what is necessary to take the required action.
  4. Incidentally, we must look at the “petition the Chief Justice” issue for a moment as a prime example of the dangers of action outside the proper fora. For 14 days, DCG was quite happy with the idea that her readers believed her to be petitioning the Chief Justice to have a magistrate sitting on her cases changed. For 14 days there was no denial of any sort – or at least an acknowledgement that this course of petitioning was not only not being followed but absolutely impracticable at law. For 14 days, as you rightly said, the “informed public” – whoever read what there was to read – could not be blamed for assuming that the petition went ahead. Not only that, on the 14th Februay, DCG once again refers to the possibility of petitioning the Chief Justice again (case before Magistrate Micallef Trigona this time). Until the 15th February, when the Chief Justice did the right thing (not that I am going to be the one to tell Chief Justice Degaetano what the right thing is) and dismissed the “petition” issue as nonsense, DCG seemed to have been as comfortable as the Malta Today reporters with the idea of a petition. That, you see, is the problem with these open courts. In times of revolutions the people are called upon to form makeshift courts. I like to think that the judicial system might have its rotten apples but is still fully workable and that there are persons like our Chief Justice who are there to ensure that the law is applied. leaving readers with the impression that some “petition” could be effective is not only misleading but also uneducational.
  5. On public persons and public interest. These are the sort of definitions that the law is more than capable of elaborating upon. The jurisprudence of hundreds of years will not change simply because the medium is different. I have said this before and will say it again. Let the law do its work. As for ethics and the media. It is true that their main guide as to what is permissible is the very same jurisprudence but it is also true that they have a (I would add) moral duty as the fourth estate to trigger investigation. I don’t think anyone is questioning the “scoop” or the need for it to be investigated when it comes to the judiciary and its behaviour. What was questioned there was the use of the information and allegations beyond what was necessary for the public to know. Plategate began as a vendetta. We have asked for weeks now: Why now? That is the essence of the error made. Why now and not before? As for Daphne’s definition of what is a public person I can only say that I am surprised. When a fellow blogger asked her to remove a disparaging comment against me on her blog her reply was “If he can dish it out, he can take it”. When I signalled the lack of observance of netiquette on her blog I was told in no uncertain terms what I could do with it. I could end by saying it only goes to show but it does not. I have only illustrated DCG’s attitude to net ethics and public persons. I believe that the issue of public vs private remains grounded in relevance. In the case of the Magistrate the measure remains, in my view, whether any of her actions in private or public can compromise her fulfillment of her public function.
  6. My answer to your question 4 is that those private persons are not the only ones who deserve to have their privacy preserved and protected. Even if a person who in other situations could be considered public – let us say a DJ or a Local Councillor was present at the party – then, unless his actions or behaviour was such as to be important to substantiate the allegations being made he or she still has a right to privacy. Otherwise what we end up having is a ridiculous exercise of guilt by association – the same kind as the last PN “zokk u fergha campaign“.
  7. Finally the use of Facebook is and will remain controversial. Chief Justice DeGaetano has announced a step in the right direction. The judiciary have no place on facebook. Other uses are not so clear cut. In some jurisdictions it is illegal for a potential employer to refer to facebook to vet job candidates. Why so I ask? Is the law in that case allowing candidates to obtain employment on the basis of what they are not? The “Use of Facebook” discussion merits its own blog post so I will stop that here – i will only add one thing. Like everything else on the net,  facebook is only a tool – don’t blame the tool when things go wrong : blame the user.

As for those of you asking yourselves what is meant by the title: well, Fr Borg referred to an ungilded silence. It might be a conspiracy after all – the silent (or dumb) form a guild in protest to the public mauling that is being served in some quarters. Then again I think that were Fr Borg to put his ear in the right places he’d hear a lot of noise. The problem is that it’s hard to outshout the baying rabble at this particular point in time.

Happy commenting.

(1) Free thinking incidentally seems to be limited by my spam filter which apparently does not allow comments via “anonymouse”. What that means is that you either have to invent an alias and email address in the hope that your content is reasonable enough to prevent my automatic revulsion to nicknames and anonymity from setting in and clipping the comment. Or. Or you could actually write in your own name and stand full square behind your arguments. No worries. I am not the type to bandy IP addresses about indiscriminately or to use the info to threaten you in return. The argument above all is what J’accuse is about.

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36 replies on “The Guild of the Dumb”

Ma nafx jekk hux relevanti imma xi zmien ilu DCG hasset li kellha tiringrazzja lil Fr. Joe Borg talli kien expert witness fil-kawza taghha kontra Manwel Cuschieri. Ara hawn taht . Veru wheels within wheels. Din minn xi bloggat ta Fr. Joe Borg “How Disgusting I am a Catholic”. Nahseb jien mhux li tkun Kattolku dizgustanti imma li tkisser in-nies bix-xnighat u bil-gideb u li taghmilha tal-martri u tal-vittma waqt li qed taghmel hekk. Araw xi hlew DCG :_
Daphne Caruana Galizia (on 1/5/08)
Joe, the Manwel Cuschieri case is still, believe it or not, on-going. Thank you for coming along as an expert witness, and thank you for offering to do the same should I be prosecuted for revealing the identity of that person who – incidentally – you should not have described as a gentleman. The word has a very specific meaning and it does not apply where he is concerned.

U bilhaqq ghax insejt, f’dik il-bloggata Fr. Joe Borg tkaza b’DCH ghax ghamlet skoss generalizzazzjonijiet kontra tal-Muzew. Dakinhar qisu ha ghalih u qal li hasra li kellha taqa daqshekk fil-baxx. Imma issa mhux qed taqa fil-baxx u jehodha bi kbira ghax mhux kulhadd qed jidibatti fuq il-klito ta dik u sorm l-ohra. Rigward mistoqsijiet bis-sens, jien nistaqsi bhal Jacques: 1) ghaliex ISSA, u (2) Gudikanti Laburisti biss?

Din minn Fr joe borg:
I was a member of il-Muzew before I entered the Seminary. I was educated by these men whom Daphne is now unjustly denigrating. I owe them a lot. Tens of thousands in Malta owe then a lot. She has no one to blame but herself for her inability to understand the generosity and the spirit of self giving of these men. She belongs to a different kind of culture and mentality where, perhaps, generosity and self-giving in pursuit of giving Christian instruction are foreign concepts. For the Muzew people this is their daily way of life. Such values are, after all, intrinsic to Christianity as all Christians know.

It is true that this particular individual betrayed these values. Maybe there were others. But such lapses are not just their prerogative. One can find doctors, nurses, teachers, youth leaders, fathers, uncles and, of course, priests who have behaved in this vile manner. Should we then attack all these groups because a tiny minority behaves shamefully? Why pick on the Muzew people who are among the greatest benefactors in our society?

It’s a pity that Daphne decided to stoop so low in her piece.

Joe may have missed an important point.

Keeping to his Silence is not golden punch-line, and as an extension to the Why Now question, should not Joe ask dcg if she is holding back any other information, similar to the one she shared with us, in respect of other public persons?

another point as i am at it. does anyone find it at all strange that joe stayed away from the ‘second’ person.

by the way, prosit indeed (nahseb f’dan il-kas anki thank you) for this piece.

I find your legal experience and knowledge liberating (in this case).

saved me xi pillola-pinnola (jew pinula?) insomma pill ta’ l-istonku.

Father Borg in his article asks why everybody is silent about the matter. Has it crossed his mind that people might not be too keen on being dragged into a disgusting one-sided catfight where persons who have nothing to do with the main issue are insulted for no reason other than that they were present at a party?

I HAVE two points to make about this phrase in Father Joe Borg’s opinion “Has a line been crossed when some media make a feast day from a quarrel Daphne had with her husband? ”
1. This is a direct translation from the Maltese saying “ghamlu festa”….
2. Orizzont reported the story about the plates and the police report about it. A week after that there was an opinion article in the Maltatoday which mentioned it. Is this a festa?

Ejja npogguha mod iehor. Jekk ikun hemm qassis u ghandu informazzjoni li membru tal-gudikatura qed ikun f’postijiet jew attivitajiet fejn hemm nies jiehdu d-droga, x’ghandu jaghmel dak il-qassis?
a) jirapporta kollox lil awtoritajiet minnufih, jew
b) jistenna xi sitt snien sakemm ikollu kawza forsi ftit zoppa quddiem dak il-gudikant, u jibda blog u jitfa skoss insinwazzjonijiet fuq it-terra bajda fuq dak il-blog.
Jekk jaghzel (b) ghandna nlibsuh raggiera u nibdew il-process ta beatifikazzjoni jew inhokku rasna u nsaqsu “Ghaliex issa?”

@PSP lest I be accused of plagiarising. Your comment just came in as I adapt this post for Sunday’s article. A few minutes ago I too noticed the slip of the pen. When Fr Borg says “make a feast day” I think it is “make a field day” shifted to reflect our mentality “tal-festa”. As I write in this weeks article: illum il-festa taghna.

As for the question of whether this is a feast or not that is what I said in my first reply.

Still. Glad to see others are seeing this the same way as me. What with my incomprehensible articles I was beginning to worry that all the hits on this blog are by little elves stranded on a desert island with an internet connection blocked on J’accuse.

@sully. Nahseb trid tispecifika jekk il-qassis ghandux l-informazzjoni minn qrara (confession) ghax f’dak l-kaz nahseb bla blog jibqa.

Re trab abjad, kawza ecc nahseb li daqxejn spinta li DCG bdiet dan kollu minhabba zewg kawzi ta libell. Ma ddoqqli xejn.

Interesting discussion. I have other questions …such as why is it only certain people who are “defending” the massacre job that DCG carried out (in the name of “journalism” )…such as Fr Borg (twice), Alison Bezzina and now that shockingly biased report by PBS?
Fr Borg asks why the mainstream media is silent, well, sometimes silence speaks volumes don’t you think?
The answer (to me) is simple…real journalists don’t want to be associated with that kind of muck raking, and they don’t want to be dragged into what is obviously a personal vendetta…

@ Jacques – Biex nipreciza – dak kien ezempju ipotetiku fejn il-qassis ikun jaf b’dan it-tahwid u terra bajda mhux fi qrara.
Hadd ma sema lil DCG. Il-punt kollu hu li jekk xi hadd ikollu informazzjoni li tista tkun utli ghal pulizija jew l-awtoritajiet, x’ghandu jaghmel? Jirapporta mill-ewwel, jew jistenna is-snien imbaghad jerhilha jitghajjar bil-kliti, srum, tleflif, qliezet tal-hajta ecc ecc…..ghax sincerament ma nafx x’ghandhom x’jaqsmu dawn…

@anna. I am not so concerned about the divisions in the press (and alliances). Real journalists who might have been in possession of the same information should be asking themselves why THEY did not report it. When I say “information” I mean the relevant information on public figures and not the muck. Sometimes I wonder how many journalists would it take to have the kind of reporting we see in (for example) Italy (Le iene).

A short report in a paper and a detailed report to the authorities would have been anyones duty. The silence of the mainstream media, if there is one, is another problem altogether.

When we question the motives Daphne had to speak now we also indirectly question the motives of the many who choose to stay silent.

I agree with sully (sorry my maltese not up to scratch so better not try to write it)…
I’ve been talking to friends about this, and all of them ask the same question…why now? why such fury? why this relentless blogging (what has it been now 2 weeks, almost 3?)…why bring up court cases from years ago (and why go to all that trouble to dig them up NOW) if you knew all along there was a conflict of interest and possible unethical behaviour on the part of a magistrate..Are we after a cleaning up of the judiciary or is it about something else all together. As I said, when my friends and I discuss this we all come to the same conclusion: personal revenge.
I think it is dcg herself who likes to say that the most obvious answer is usually the correct one

Jacques, what kind of information are we exactly talking about here? If journalists had concrete info about conflict of interest or wrongdoing but didn’t do anything about it you are right… but from what I’ve read it’s just a lot of innuendo

@Jacques, Anna – Is-suppost silenzju tal-media fuq l-allegazjonijiet. Jien nista nahseb f’dawn ragunijiet li jistghu jezistu:
a)In-nies tal-media kollha (hlief DCG naturalment) huma kollha maghqudin f’conspiracy of silence – jigifieri ghandhom provi jew informazzjoni fuq terra bajda u ksur ta etika u ma jridux jikxfu borom, jew
b) M’ghandhomx informazzjoni bizejjed biex jibdew ifajru allegazzjonijiet
c) Ma tantx jarawha xi haga ta barra minn hawn li nies jaghmluha ma nies jew li jiuzaw u jicacraw fuq Facebook – fejn fost affarijiet ohra tista ssib hafna “personalitajiet” ta kull lewn politiku jipuzaw…wiehed jista jsib kumment negattiv jew skabruz fuq kulhadd. Jekk – per ezempju – naraw ritratt ta ragel mizzewweg qed jghannaq xi bomba (li mhux martu) allura nistghu nghidu li dak qed ikorni l-mara, li hu xi pervertit…ma jistax ikun sempliciment iltaqa ma xi hadd f’xi riceviment?

… its obvious to me that its more a matter of virtual behaviour then of presence.

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Issa ha jkollna Bondiplus fuq din il-bicca. Ghal bzonn Fr. Joe Borg ikun il-media expert li jaghzlu. Min jaf jekk jistiednux ukoll dak li kixef li inghad waqt pranzu privat?

I’m sorry, but this is all just a little bit too pat and cosy for me to stay quiet…fr borg..pbs news…and now lou bondi who has invited fr borg (kumbinazzjoni) as a guest…oh come on! do these people think we’re fools or what?
jacques mentioned that he’s not concerned about media alliances, but I am…
Isn’t it about time we started asking what the hell is going on here..?
the way this story and public opinion is being manipulated stinks to high heaven…

DCG says on her blog that FR Borg is the only person who spoke dispassionately about the topic. As far as I know there were other people who wrote about it….the Jaccuse piece, Pamela Hansen and Anna Mallia to name some. Didn’t DCG find them dispassionate enough?Did Lou Bondi invite any of them on his programme or was Fr. Joe Borg the only commentator he could think of?

It possibly stinks to high heaven because the critical mass of spinners has, in this case, shriveled to a handful, and their actions can stand – an elephant walking down republic street wearing sunglasses trying to look inconspicuous.

Or like the guy at the theater who told his wife he needed a pee…and after a few minutes, as the scene dimmed, he walked onto the stage and peed to the audience thinking he had reached the loo…how does the saying go? …Hey you are peeing on my back and you are trying to convince me that it is raining…

Another ‘dispassionate’ piece on this whole sorry affair will appear in tomorrow’s Malta Today. It’s called Private Lives, Public Figures and Structural Insanity. But indeed…will it be dispassionate ENOUGH? :-)

the latests “wheels within wheels”insinuation on the runs, makes me think further.
…… its true that in general certain figures need to be cautious about what and how their private lives are exposed BUT on the otherhand, we (so to speak) are in Malta, where everyone knows everyone and gossip is a national sport. I mean, I’m sure we nearly everyone has common friends’ friends…..

Are mud slinging situations in any case unaavoidable??.. (after all DCG claims she knew things for a long time, probably even before facebook became popular)…

I my opinion making facebook banning rules etc.. is just trying to handle the problem in the wrong way… just define good ethical conduct and make sure the people responsible for such behaviour understand it…This is not pregrade..

Peress li skond Fr. Joe Borg hadd ma kiteb xejn (hliefu ovvjament) u peress li skond DCH hu l-uniku espert “dispassionate” bizejjed (jidispjacini David Friggieri imma hekk qal l-oraklu) biex jidher fuq Bondiplus, nixtieq nuza dan il-forum biex inwassal xi mistoqsjijet li jista’jwegibhom id-Dispassionate Media Expert Fr. Joe Borg waqt il-programm ta nhar it-Tnejn.
1)Persuna publika hija wahda li tithallas mill-fondi pubblici? Allura f’din il-kategorija jistghu jaqghu nies bhal konsulenti li jithallsu mill-gvern? Forsi jkun jista jilluminana fuq din il-bicca Fr. Joe Borg li kien ukoll konsulent lil gvern.
2) Jekk persuna pubblika ghandha hajja privata ftit ose – jew sahansitra talibha (jew jaqlibha) lil zewgha jew martu, jigifieri dik il-persuna giddieb jew giddieba f’kull settur iehor ta hajjitha u m’ghandhix tithalla taqdi dmir pubbliku? Jekk “iva” jista Fr. Joe Borg jaghmel referenza specifika ghal politikanti Maltin li kellhom jitnehhwe?
3) Jekk persuna bhal DCG kienet taf bir-relazzjoni ta membru tal-gudikatura u hasset li kellha dmir tohrog dawn l-affarijiet fil-berah ghax inkella seta kien hemm ir-rikatt ta dak il-membru tal-gudikatura, allura kull min jaf b’dan il-fatt u jzommu mistur ghal SITT Snien ma jkunx qed jonqos minn dmiru?
4) Fr. Joe Borg qisu ma apprezzax dik l-istorja li dehret fir-Realta. Forsi ma hax gost jaqra fuq l-izbub ecc….ma nlumux….Issa ghamel referenza ghal pungent language ta Daphne….imma ma tantx ghamel ghageb….issa jista Fr Joe Borg jaqra din is-silta helwa mill-blog ta Daphne meta jkun fuq il-programm tas-Sur Bondi?
“Big clit…..I’m sure Robert takes his tongue off it occasionally, if only to remove the gas mask. …” u jista jaghtina apprezzament letterarju ta dan it-test.

Skuzani Jacques li uzajt dan il-forum, forsi l-espert tal-media jkun jista jwegibni u mhux kemm jitfa skoss mistoqsijiet minghajr ma jaghtina ebda risposta

As far as I am concerned Rev Borg, (I do not call him father [Fr.] as there is only one Father in heaven, in line with Matthew), he gets the opinion of the public to view things from a different perspective for intellectual stimulation. Also the Times praises him, should the blog be popular, as there is a business motive attached to it.

I wish to inform the viewers of this blog that he personally has censored me several times on his blog. Once he wrote something on censorship, and he was such a hypocrite that I blogged him to inform him that on one hand he speaks about certain freedoms but on the other, cannot tolerate other truthful points of view.

It seems that the truth, often hurts.

I am ready to go to court to testify, what I have written.

1. I aten’t dead. Just skiing.
2. Christopher Grech I haven’t a clue what you’re on about. I’m sure you speak of comments not blogs
3. David looking forward to your xontribution. Passion please.
4. So is Lou going to regale us with another phenomenal programme? I wonder if he will ask father joe Borg whether people have a “right to insult”. Last I discussed it with him on facebook be had the gall to insult my qualifications. Same style but different.

See you guys tomorrow. The slopes are great. :)
be good.

Mistoqsija tal-ahhar ghal Fr Joe jew ghal Lou. Jistghu jikxfulna minn kien dak il-mistieden ghac-cena tal-magistrata u baghat il-messagg lil DCG? Forsi Lou jkun f’posizzjoni ahjar biex jghidilna….

Sully, further to your question as to whether a Persuna publika hija wahda li tithallas mill-fondi pubblici?, you may want to, perhaps, pop in to Borg’s blog on the times. There you may find a direct version to your mild question ;)

@ danny attard – Qed tghid ghal dan l-kumment ta JPO fuq il-blog ta Fr. Borg? Mistoqsija interessanti ta JPO – mank jwiegeb Fr. Joe Borg …..imma forsi ghandu hafna x’jaghmel bhalissa…dawk il-preparamenti kollha ghal programm ta Bondi t’ghada. Iftakru nies….s’issa hu l-uniku espert li gie mistieden ( ghax hi dispassionate hafna). Issa nistennew nies dispassionate ohrajn….forsi Georg Sapiano u il-papa ta Daphne….
Intant, dan il-kumment ta JPO
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando M.P. (3 hours, 29 minutes ago)
Using your yardstick should clerics who are given appointments financed by public funds considered to be public figures? Should the private lives of such clerics be subjected to public scrutiny? There is a very well defined ‘code of ethics’ for men of the cloth, too. I would appreciate your feedback. Perhaps you could tell us what you think about this point on tomorrow’s programme.

nahseb li malta ghandha bzonn a glasnost period of substance…i would think that gonzi will melt away in its wake and labour will need to make a sigificant leap forward and truly get the people of substace on board and ditch the nlpn faction (sorry still have to get the revised version).

the alternative will be a glasnost that will just shake but do very little change of substance as new power brokers take up their position on the main stand in a back to ‘normal’ mode.

This is where i think i agree with our host…let us have true experiences as promoters to a better ‘culture’ (modus operandi) and let us not use episodes to further some sectorial interest. JPO was himself a victim in the sense that the may have worked the system yet instead of using that experience to improve culture, it was used otherwise.

Will Fr Borg appear as a priest of the Catholic church or as a journalist tomorrow at a WE program? Does he know that the mis-use of modern technology to deliberately harm one’s neighbour is a sin, and a bad example to others?

Since this is the best forum for questions, can Mr. Bondi tell us
1) If he has first hand information of who the dinner party mole was?
2) In the totally hypothetical situation that the dinner party mole was a television programme presenter, would it be unreasonable to think that producing a programme about the mess that resulted, would reveal his bias?
3)Can Mr. Bondi explain why Fr. Joe Borg is the only dispassionate media person to have written about this mess. The writer of this blog has written extensively about it. Pamela Hansen and the Gens editorial were about the same subject. So why not them?
4) Is a television personality/priest who receives public funds for consultancies a public person? If so, does the public have a right to know about their private lives in detail?

What would be even more interesting on lou bondis prog is to bring dcg herself to explain why she did what she did and bring forth her own arguments…..wouldnt it be better to hear it from the horse’s mouth (and I assure you I am only using this as a figurative expression)

Fr Borg writes –

When referring to the case of Fr Hullerman, the New York Times reported that: “The future pope approved his transfer to Munich.” That sentence is grossly misleading; the Times neglects to add the crucial fact that Cardinal Ratzinger approved the accused priest’s entry into a counselling programme in Munich; he did not approve him for a parish assignment. Father Hullerman was given a parish assignment in September 1982– 7 months after Cardinal Ratzinger resigned his post as Archbishop of Munich, having taken up his new responsibilities as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Such an attitude by section of the media is unfair, unjust and shows a lack of respect for the truth.

Fr Borg also wrote the following under a previous post

one cannot deny that she (Ms.dcg) makes valid points (especially in her posting of February 4) and damning accusations about Magistrate Scerri Herrera

when asked to say what these damning (no less) accusations were, the father stayed mum, letting readers swim through terra and what-not at their heart’s contennt.

compare and contrast

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