
We have a by-election

We have a “casual election”. But how casual is it, really?

It seems that the intimidation campaign has not worked. Robert Musumeci has submitted his nomination for the ironically named  “casual election”. There will be a run off between the new pariah of the PN wagging tongues and relative unknown Peter Micallef. Whether or not you believe the intricate stories surrounding Robert Musumeci as spread and alleged elsewhere you still cannot ignore the latest hot potato on the PN plate.

Did PM Gonzi really tell Musumeci not to run? If he did not do so then is the PN doing anything to deal with the allegations by a prominent opinion spinner in its fold? Once again is the PN comfortable with this type of controversial and equivocal candidature? Is the PN still lapping up the not so tasty leftovers of a hopeless electoral campaign based on Taste and Rainbow Mix of Candidates that result in a weak relative majority that allows any Member of Parliament hold the PN to ransom?

There’s more. If Daphne was right when she declared that Robert was definitely not running does the fact that he has submitted his nomination now signify open war? Is it relevant whether Musumeci will or will not get elected? What does this brazen act say about the confidence of individual candidates who are after all within their constitutional rights to proceed with their candidature with or without the approval of their party?

More importantly than this: will the PN open its eyes to the need of a radical change within the party? It is not longer a question of hanging on to government but a deeper question of maintaining whatever is left of the ideological identity that inspired many in the eighties.

Anything less and we really are left in up shit creek with no paddle – with no value driven party to choose from.

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3 replies on “We have a by-election”

I sensed the same thing. … someone had her knickers in a twist, maybe because of the way she is being set up in the law courts…..
Now it seems that both sides are shyte (Goodmorning!!) …

if musumeci makes it to parliament (unlikely) and changes sides, i would go into conspiracy-theory mode and think it was all a np manuvra. The lp is as yet unprepared for an election, and if the lp decides to govern, it would probably spell defeat in another mid-term eqivalent of an election three years down the road. Therefore, a musumeci switch may be the best-case scenario for the np in its curret state; another short lp stint before another long stretch in government.

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