
The Plagiarised J'accuse Promo


On 6th June 2009 vote the J’accuse way!

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12 replies on “The Plagiarised J'accuse Promo”

Alternatively, wara Bondi Plus:


It’s a question of Taste.

EC, do you sincerely think an inarticulate leftover from AN who’s joined a right-wing Irish Catholic’s party can be of any assistance to Malta or are you being ironic?

Talking of plagiarised slogans – Obama copied the “Yes, we can” from Bob the builder – a cartoon character.

Overwhelmed by the phenomenon of human migration from Africa to Europe, unable to monitor and control our vast Mediterranean patch (unlike Italy and Greece who try at least to do that) because EU funds are insufficient and its response to our call is Laconic, we must prepare for the sqeeze in an intelligent way. We have to make passage available, clearly signposted, so the energy flows right past us.

Our Parliament has the power to amend the law concerning the statute of our Maltese passport, and remove or re-invent the clause on Civil Rights that are automatically attached to it….effectively making it an EU valid travel document but with limited civil rights.

By giving the migrants a Maltese passport will ensure they will continue their migratory journey to mainland Europe, and our fears will never ever overwhelm us, even if the whole African continent, the giant, decides without prior warning to migrate to Europe!

Vote for this on 6th June
Cecil Herbert Jones – K.U.L. EWROPA


@ Cecil Herbert Jones

You will get a number 4 or 5 from me for listing ‘hairdressing appointments’ in your list of expenses. An honest, charming touch to the whole sorry business.

Thank you. Had the voting system intended the voters to vote for a team of five European Parliament seats your 4 or 5 would have included me in your preferred team. Alas as you know you will only be essentially voting for one seat because you will only be voting number ‘1’ to just one candidate from the whoile ballot.

Grazzi minn qalbi xorta wahda

@RJ Yes L. Grech was a second choice in one of the earlier articles where I also said that it was difficult to pick among the PL candidates. I settled on Mizzi for no other reason than having a gender balanced list. Still 1. Cassola 2. Mizzi 3. Demicoli…

Gozo’s economy will take a highly positive boost should it gain autonomy from Malta, whereby setting one foot outside the EU by becoming an associate member as opposed to a full member. The benefits are mainly financial for it will be able to set up an financial offshore services centre, offering incentives to potential high calibre investors via tax havens, freer legislation, and privacy. And it will never suffer a deficit. It will be like San Marino is to Italy, Corsica is to France and the Channel Islands are to the UK. It can finally also fly its own flag on the rooftops of all its public buildings.

As brethren since time immemorial Malta can benefit from Gozo’s profits and likewise Gozo can profit from Malta’s fulltime membership with the EU. I invite Gozo to build a bridge across the Gozo Channel to commemorate our everlasting bond.

Watch the Gozitan reaction on youtube tonight at 8 o’clock onwards on my website

Vote for this on 6th June

Cecil Herbert Jones
Cecil Herbert Jones

I will, if elected, propose a new pension plan to the EU for adoption. The plan regards health as the main issue embracing pension. It removes the social stigma associated to people over forty, and will make the aging population more attractive to the labour market.

The plan encourages the worker to want to keep on working until s/he is 80 years old by offering strong incentives. These incentives will qualify a worker to receive from his/her pension by the age of 40 years, whereby every year upon reaching 40 will deduct an hour a week from his/her expected output, while retaining a full wage. If the worker decides to workk the hour deducted s/he will receive it as overtime, thus his/her wage increases. The second year, ie at age 41, two hours are deducted, and so on and so forth. By age 60 s/he will have 20 hours deducted, while still retaining a full wage, and by age 80 the entire 40 hours would have been deducted, and the full pensioner walks away with a full wage.

As one can see, that reaching 40 years will now become attractive, and the aging population seen to be accruing in benefits, whether monetarily or in work exemptions.

Vote for this on 6th June

Cecil Herbert Jones K.U.L. EWROPA

There isn’t one single parent who doesn’t wish his/her son/daughter to learn how to play an instrument. The years’s long patient support unfortunately does not receive encouragement in Malta because aa parent doesn’t see that there is a future in music in Malta or a future coming out of Malta. Therefore parents redirect their children towards known bread and butter subjects. Would anyone blame them?

If elected I promise to pick up the Music Academy project from the trash can, where the government left it after spending LM300,000 on what transpires to be advertising it, and with the help of EU funds see this project through. I believe that thre future for Malta’s music lies in an academy of the highest international standards present in Malta as a stepping stone for Maltese musicians, young and old to a level of good international reputation. As myself a musician this will be a personal challenge that I will undertake with an aim to succeed.

Vote for this on 6th June

Cecil Herbert Jones – K.U.L. EWROPA

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