
I.M. Jack – the EP update

Is it just me or does the idea of a ‘naturalist’ enjoying the sight of a ‘painted lady’ conjure up weird images in everyone’s head? Apparently the ‘painted ladies’ reported to have invaded the Maltese islands in their thousands are not tattoed babes but rather colourful insects.

It’s been a bit hard finding time to blog about all the things I read about recently thanks to a particularly work-intensive return from Barcelona (city of Campeon – boo to you Sir Alex). I guess it’s time for an I.M. Jack style roundup of what most tickled our fancy insofar as EP election run up in Malta is concerned.

1. Deidun’s Thunderous No to Divorce

“ I am proud to be called a conservative or a traditionalist, even though I am still 30 years old, and to call for respect by all candidates of Christian values, such as those of marriage, which is indissoluble ” 

The PN rainbow coalition of variegated colours concept is sort of backfiring. Pick’n’mix is beginning to resemble a complicated game of Jenga: your mind almost settles for voting for one candidate that might have been tailored to your liking when he or she opens her mouth and destroys any chances you would ever have of voting for him.  Take Deidun, the PN sheet’s  green giant, he might have been a.o.k in the environmental department but suddenly he’s gone all Gonzi-like quoting papal bulls or whatnot and announcing that divorce is a Nyet Nyet issue. Mind you, it should not matter much what Deidun or any other MEP candidate has to say about divorce but seeing how we cannot really count on parties and we are reduced to chosing fine, upstanding individuals, this hardline stand by the eco-warrior turned intolerant conservative makes Alan join the unvoteable ranks of the Ellul Bonicis and Casas.

2. Those Slippery Values

While Deidun the young conservative conservationalist was proudly proclaiming his christian badge of faith other soldiers of Gonzi were busy asserting a Jumbo Pack of values all over the place:

Casa organised a workshop for women: “The Maltese MEP had words of praise for the abilities shown by women choosing to work, mainly those that are achieving success in the employment scene. He also praised the Government’s initiatives to help women to return to work after giving birth and the openings of new child care centres.”

Meanwhile SimonSays Busuttil met the Gay Rights Movement and reminded them that “… the PN was not in favour of same sex marriages and child adoptions by same-sex couples, but it was ready to discuss issues such as rights for same sex cohabiting couples.”

RMTT produced the usual tautologies about women, work and the family stating that “the country  should continue to offer incentives for women to return to work, and the fact that the female participation rate was increasing was positive. It was important, however, that there was a proper work-family balance.” I wonder if this is closer to what the Bishop of Gozo had to say on the matter a couple of years back.

RMTT had already displayed her adeptness at throwing a wide net out for votes when discussing the divorce issue. I’m sorry I cannot find the link to where I read this but I distinctly remember thinking what a sly answer the little nipper gave. Basically RMTT would currently vote No to divorce right now but… hear this… not because she is essentially against divorce but because there has not been enough serious discussion about the issue. Touché. Not that the fact that the party for whom she is running has stilted most discussion over the years has anything to do with it of course. 

3. El Coche

I had to watch the last Bondi + debate that was supposedly about the MEP elections but ended up being another round of the ongoing battle between the forces of Evil and Good. It is ever more evident that “Inhobbkom” Joseph will never snap out of thinking in Super One journalist mode. The “Task Force” report on health services is a case in point.  Notwithstanding Joseph’s pronunciation , it has nothing to do with elephants and ivory and a lot to do with a study commissioned by government. Joseph thinks we are stupid enough to believe that because a report examined the option of paying for certain health services then that means that the PN government has broken its promise for free health services.

Joseph also thinks we are stupid enough to fall hook, line and sinker for the “staqsi lilu” bate with regards to the deviant statements made by some of his candidates.

On the other side of the Bondi Circus ring was PM Gonzi. It was not that difficult to sound coherent when faced with a loose cannon who confuses super one spin with reasonable electoral facts. When your political opponent persists in ignorant assertions with regard to the amount of funds Malta receives (net) from the EU you should have an easy day at the office.

Not Gonzi. Even Lawrence persisted in some malicious spin that was probably suggested by the gossip inspired mentors hieed by stamperija. The PN is still trying to paint the picture of a PL voting in favour of having illegal immigrants vote in elections. You’d expect an intelligent leader like Gonzi to distance himself from the sorry campaign conjured up at Stamperija. Nope. Every vote counts. After all this is the same Lawrence Gonzi who prefers hunters as bedfellows in order to keep away the threat of a third party.

Then there were the cars. Lou Bondi’s impartial programme on EP elections ended up spending a considerable amount of time creating the foundations for another discussion on the Taste and Style of Joseph Muscat. The whole discussion on the €60,000  cars purchased by Joseph Muscat and wife is out of point. It sure works wonders for blogs like DCG’s, especially in this day and age of anger at anybode earning money in times of economic trouble.

It is out of point not because it is obvious that JM should have declared his personal interest in the case. It is not even out of point because funnily enough some people are much more capable of asking questions of JM’s purchases and not of others. It is out of point because the discussion had absolutely no link with the European parliament elections.

I’ll stop here for now. Blogging rules require short posts and this is too long for my liking. There is much more to be said but we’ll leave it for when I can steal another few minutes to type.

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3 replies on “I.M. Jack – the EP update”

Ma baqghetx “thunderous no to divorce” ta Deidun. Fi zmien 24 siegha biddel id-diska u issa jghid li jista jkun hemm eccezzjonijiet f’kazijiet ta maltrattament. Kif qal xi hadd – issa l-koppji jintefghu isawwtu lil xulxin biex ikunu jistghu jiehdu d-divorzju.

– smajtha ta l-ahhar? David Casa qed jinkwieta ghax jista jitla immigrant LEGALI fil-kunsill ta B’Bugia. Regga’ nesa xi haga Casa – li dan isehh biss jekk il-Gvern taghna jaqbel….imma probabilment il-biza ta kunsillier lokali b’demm li ma jkunx 100% Malti jbaqbaq go fih, jista jwerwer in-nies biex jivvutaw ghal Casa. Dak il-vapur ta Sharon jidher dejjem isbah………

Mela in-Nazzjonalisti ghamlu gimgha jtambru fuq il-karozza ta Muscat u kif ha jhallas ghall-petrol ….ghax kif qalet Daphne ghandna dritt li nkunu nafu….ma jmorrux ikunu qed jircievu skoss flus minn questionable sources. Imbaghad niskopru li certu Stefano Mallia (ara in-nota bijografika hawn taht) ordna lill-kandidati Nazzjonalisti tal-MEP biex ma jikfux kemm nefqu flus fuq il-kampanja ghax jahasra tant ghandhom x’jaghmlu. Imbaghad is-soltu storja tal-buttuna hazina….din id-darba kien Vince Farrugia u mhux PBO….li baghat l-email ta Stefano bi zball. Issa ha joqoghdu jqaqqu Lou u Daphne fuq id-dritt li l-poplu jkun jaf? U what a flair for fuck-ups?
NOTA BIJOGRAFIKA – Stefano Mallia hu r-ragel ta Amanda (Mandy) Mallia li tigi oht Daphne u intefghat 24/7 fuq il-blog ta Daphne.

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