
Inter-cettati (i moralisti)

Lele Oriali is the latest of the Inter-cettati to comment on the Juve request for the revocation of the 2006 scudetto.

Speaking to Torino sports paper TuttoSport Oriali had the following to say:

“La Juventus vuole lo scudetto del 2006? Secondo me dovrebbero pensare a qualcosa d’altro, ovvero a tornare competitivi – attacca Oriali -. Inoltre dovrebbero prendersela con chi ha reso la Juventus in questo stato.

Lovely. Gabriele Oriali negotiated in 2006 to have a 6 month imprisonment condemnation (in a court of law, Joe) commuted to a fine of €22,000. The crime? “i reati di concorso in falso e ricettazione, a seguito dell’inchiesta sulle procedure seguite per far diventare comunitari giocatori che invece, nella realtà, non avevano antenati in Europa”.

Alla faccia di tornare competitivi!

When you build your successes solely by avoiding paying your debts and then “winning” leagues while others are busy reconstructing then there is only one term for the inter-cettati: meschini.

For the connoisseurs among you here is a link to the esposto by Juventus for the revocation of the scudetto. Sublime.

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5 replies on “Inter-cettati (i moralisti)”

Go on tell Joe, Jacques!

You wouldn’t have a link to this piece of news, would you?

By the way, you should really see these two links:

This is one of the best Juve teams ever. But you should really see the whole matches to really appreciate the quality of that team.


Jacques, Oriali huwa wieħed mid-diretturi tal-orkestra li ħadem biex lilna jfarrkuna. U wara l-affaire Recoba u passoportopoli għandu l-wiċċ imċappas bil-pasta li jakkuża lil ħaddieħor bil-qerda tagħna!

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