
New(ish) kid on the blogs…

PhotobucketThere’s a new kid on the Luxembourg expat blogging scene. Well, it seems that the new kid had been around for quite some time but not long enough to register on the J’accuse radar. That may have much to do with the fact that it is not really a blog but rather a column of sorts on online foodzine Planetmona. The kid goes by the name of  “Bitch de Lux” and judging by the contents of the  seven odd articles submitted hitherto to the foodzine what we have here is an aspirant “gossip girl” of sorts without the glamour and the glitz. It was only a matter of time before the bug of gossip blogging expanded beyond the realm of the orginator of the People’s (*) Village Gossip column. From what I can tell we are in for familiar tones of faux elitism, fashionista snobbery and a je ne sais quoi feeling of having seen and heard it all but only now she thinks it’s cooler because SHE is saying it. So if you are up for some rather insensible (and insensitive) bulldozing of sorts as adapted for the Luxembourger golden cage environment scoot over to the monthly dosh being served at “Bitch de Lux’s” grove.

Our attention was brought to the articles by persons who felt that the Bitch (her moniker not mine) might be getting too personal on the columns (and I am not referring to the cliché rant of hamalli vs rest or the trendy line of dissing Maltese men in favour of those oh so handsome Luxembourgers – spare me). I wouldn’t worry guys and gals … as in most similar gossip based cases… she may be a bitch (again, her choice not mine)… but methinks that the bark is much louder than the bite…

(*) An English language newspaper in Malta that is no longer published.

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7 replies on “New(ish) kid on the blogs…”

Oh the hours and hours of fun some folks get dissing the hamallus. And, elsewhere, Maltese men tout court… She’s got a point about the airport scene though. Pretty dire experience 9 times out of 10, bitches included. It’s all fairly entertaining though – I hope the early marriage doesn’t tame the raging beast…



The Original (Bilingual) Benelux Bitch

I had a look, Jacques, and you are right. A particularly poisonous specimen.

And some of the comments are not much better. One of them wanted to scrtach an air-hostess’ eyes out cos she called her “hi”.

Jacques!!!! thanks to your poster everyone is going to think that I am Bitch de Luxe.
For the record, i’m not! iva marelli of all the posters you could have chosen. Grr

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