
Immunità Ecclesiastica

Gode di Immunità

Debbie Schembri left a note on Facebook informing the world that she is happy to have been reinstated as a lawyer in the Ecclesiastical Tribunal. To people like myself, Schembri’s message is once again equivocal to say the least. I had high hopes that the likes of Schembri would survive the divorce debate to form a Civil Rights movement that would press on to reform our laws. One such important reform would be the divorce between Church and state matters − a marriage that has only harmed both parties since 1995.

Schembri had no obligation or duty to do any of this. It is disappointing to see the “bright star” of Maltese progressive politics melt into the establishment day after day. First there was no Civil Rights movement − Debbie preferred to join opportunist Labour; now there is no hurry to divorce Church from State − Debbie is quite happy to perform her duties as a church approved lawyer. Ah Tommasi di Lampedusa… how right you were.


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4 replies on “Immunità Ecclesiastica”

Fair comment but I totally disagree with the view. I assume that in the divorce issue, Dr Schembri may have realised that it was the support of political power that could bring about said reform…so I find it very natural that she should joing the Party that is committed to Civil Rights. For those who may not have noticed, the Church/State divorce issue is already on the table…we now have two options, stay on the side moaning that we shall never make it, or get our teeth into the issue as we finally did in the divorce issue.

Committed to civil rights? I knew we lost you some time back Danny but please. PL is committed to one thing and one thing only – and it has little to do with civil rights. The best we can do is try to milk the most out of their opportunistic pandering to the votes. The worst that can happen is that they bring their hapless “expertise” into the equation and we will probably be lumped with the worst set of badly drafted legislation this side of North Korea.

That is one heavy opinion indeed. Do you see Labor as being that bad? I can see quite a few hangers on giving Labor a bad name, making it an easy target for the ‘opportunistic’ rhetoric. But surely the truth is somewhere else. Try having a look at the good guys and do not fall into the possible trap of selecting and lambasting easy targets to demonise labour. I may be wrong of course…but…

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