Jasmine Politics

Conflicts & Interests

Over the past few days the word on the Maltese net/blogosphere/press has been split between the eagles and the doves. It all boiled down to the position Malta seems to be taking with regards to the events in Libya – and in particular the emphasis being made on “Malta not being used as a military base“. Our foreign minister came up with specious phrase: “Militarily Neutral” while others (PM included) have been at pain to stress that Malta will not participate in the “military action“.

At the end of this post I am appending the full text of the controversial “neutrality” article in our Constitution. I would also refer readers to a brilliant article by Prof Richard E. Rubenstein (Maltese neutrality is still a brilliant idea) that appeared on the Times on the 11th March 2011.

Rubenstein argues that the notion of neutrality as entrenched in the Maltese constitution is “neither outmoded, contrary to Maltese national interests, nor immoral”. Rubenstein’s reading of this neutrality is one that “does not imply either passivity or immorality”. J’accuse is very much in agreement with this interpretation. We have argued for a principled approach by the Maltese government. One that does not send signals of yellow submissiveness and wait-and-see approaches.

Our line here does not mean we are plugging for a coalition base in Malta but that we expect a principled – moral even – approach in the development of our position in the international field. Taking Rubenstein’s theoretical approach of a neutral country that is not passive and that is geared towards participating directly by offering a credible platform for conflict resolution (a Guido De Marco revisited) it is not hard to see how the Gonzi/Borg reactive, passive and submissive approach fails even on this count.

The collective action of Malta’s political representatives gave out an impression – and a strong one at that – of a country that was hedging its bets. It was a Malta that still worried about its ephemeral commercial interests with Gaddafi and his government. One that seemed reluctant to condemn the dictator even when his final hour seemed so close. The signs we sent out were not confusing: they were actually quite clear. We gave an unconditional, unqualified message that we would step back and wait: and thank God for all the confusion of neutrality clauses behind which to hide.

Yes, an actively neutral Malta can be a desireable goal for future politicians. Not being on the active “military” side of the UN resolution enforcers is no biggie. Doing everything we can to send out the message to the world that we are actually hiding under a rock until it is all over – when we will crawl out again ready to do business with the next people in power – is a huge huge issue. It is that issue that leads us to conclude that our nation still lacks the balls and a set of clear beliefs.




Article 1 of the Constitution of Malta
(1) Malta is a democratic republic founded on work and on respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual.

(2) The territories of Malta consist of those territories comprised in Malta immediately before the appointed day, including the territorial waters thereof, or of such territories and waters as Parliament may from time to time by law determine.

(3) Malta is a neutral state actively pursuing peace, security and social progress among all nations by adhering to a policy of non-alignment and refusing to participate in any military alliance.

Such a status will, in particular, imply that:

(a) no foreign military base will be permitted on Maltese territory;

(b) no military facilities in Malta will be allowed to be used by any foreign forces except at the request of the

Government of Malta, and only in the following cases:

(i) in the exercise of the inherent right of selfdefence in the event of any armed violation of the area over which the Republic of Malta has sovereignty, or in pursuance of measures or actions decided by the Security Council of the United Nations; or

(ii) whenever there exists a threat to the sovereignty, independence, neutrality, unity or territorial integrity of the Republic of Malta;

(c) except as aforesaid, no other facilities in Malta will be allowed to be used in such manner or extent as will amount to the presence in Malta of a concentration of foreign forces;

(d) except as aforesaid, no foreign military personnel will be allowed on Maltese territory, other than military personnel performing, or assisting in the performance of, civil works or activities, and other than a reasonable number of military technical personnel assisting in the defence of the Republic of Malta;

(e) the shipyards of the Republic of Malta will be used for civil commercial purposes, but may also be used, within reasonable limits of time and quantity, for the repair of military vessels which have been put in a state of non-combat or for the construction of vessels; and in accordance with the principles of non-alignment the said shipyards will be denied to the military vessels of the two superpowers.

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6 replies on “Conflicts & Interests”

[…] by Rich Rubenstein on March 22, 2011 · 0 comments window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: "157287334299244", status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement("script"); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + "//"; document.getElementById("fb-root").appendChild(e); }()); Conflicts & Interests | j’accuse. […]

The Rubenstein article is “brilliant” only insofar that it unintentionally shows the limitations of Maltese neutrality.

It starts from the flawed premise that “conflict resolution cannot work unless a willing nation or organisation makes a firm decision to adopt a ‘third party’ role”.

Really? What about the disputing party agreeing to the “third party” being a fair and impartial arbitrator? What if the Libyan rebels do not think as highly of the country that decorated Gaddafi twice “for exceptional merit in the service of Malta or of humanity”?

There’s more to be said about the severe limitations of Maltese neutrality from the fact that its underpinned by self-serving pragmatic considerations to the (limited) capacities of Maltese diplomacy but letting go of the grandiose, self-laudatory pretentiousness would be a start.

I take a leaf from the Rubenstein article, regarding the diplomatic role of the medieval Catholic Church. Apart from theological issues, I can only think of Alexander VI’s bulls on the Americas (and those were neither universally agreed or long-lived), and that’s because the papacy was itself an important and involved player in Italian politics.

The article on the Vatican’s neutrality in the Lateran Treaty is however worth quoting:

“In regard to the sovereignty appertaining to it also in international matters, the Holy See declares that it desires to take, and shall take, no part in any temporal rivalries between other States, nor in any international congresses called to settle such matters, save and except in the event of such parties making a mutual appeal to the pacific mission of the Holy See, the latter reserving in any event the right of exercising its moral and spiritual power.

The Vatican City shall, therefore, be invariably and in every event considered as neutral and inviolable territory.”

I agree with your criticism of the passive Gonzi/Borg approch, even though I think Rubenstein’s thesis is total pish. “Conflict resolution”, whatever that means, is a pathetic substitute for real political action, left to third-rate countries like Malta which whose existence would otherwise be pointless.

In my book, “actively neutral” means Sweden, Finland, Austria and Ireland, who all have troops in Afghanistan.

P.S. I noticed your article on my hostility towards you and your mates, as expressed in DCG’s blog. I can reply if you wish.

I guess you mean the post Sleeping Bitches and Galliano.

Listen Scooter, for I shall say this only once: I’m sure you’ve been reading this blog long enough to know that nobody needs permission to post here. Also, don’t get carried away feeling all important – that post was not about you – unless of course you are referring to the fact that I have “have long abandoned any hope of finding any intelligent conversation by the various aliases.” in which case your hiding behind an alias in order to feel comfortable when profering an insult or two would qualify you as a part of The Great Ignored. There’s your Warhol 15 minutes gone.

As for your offer to reply let’s just say that I’d only “wish” if I cared and quite frankly I couldn’t care less.

There – I don’t think I ever wasted a worse 5 minutes on a Saturday morning. So…. How much is the fish?

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